
I agree it sucks, and he likely won't survive this whole thing either.

I dn't believe that technically the Weiner laptop was part of an ongoing investigation. If you recall from that time, the investigation was closed. The Weiner (hehe) story broke and many hoped/speculated it would be cause to reopen the investigation. It wasn't, but it was enough to hand the election to Trump.

I don't think he's wrong, I think the FISA thing is known to be true. He's definitely bending the truth. I don't know that Trump was specifically surveilled, from what I've read they could not get a warrant specifically for him. But they did get warrants for other members of his inner circle. But Obama likely had

Well, there are varying levels on this one…some of the crazier theories are that NYPD and NY FBI agents pressured Comey to release that letter, saying they would call their own presser if he didn't and would embarrass the bureau. Remember, Loudmouth Rudy went on TV days before and said there was an October Surprise

He was being surveilled though, that's the best part. FISA warrants were issued in October…this fucker is going down

I just assumed he knew because of Gruber's terrible American accent

It's about ethics in culinary gaming journalism

They updated the order and it appears I'm getting it Friday

Are the winners on the TelePrompTer? I don't know how they could be since the PWC people are the only ones that know the winners.

The price for the game, with a Prime pre-order discount, was $47. Something tells me they're regretting that low price since it's retailing for $59 everywhere else.

That's annoying

I pre-ordered the Wii-U version on Amazon and just this morning got an email saying it's no longer available. What the shit is this?

I haven't done a ton of reading on this thing other than the basic stuff. What do the games look like? Are they still discs? can you play Wii-U games on the Switch?

I was just thinking about that also. I wonder how quickly Legion season 2 will arrive? Because he's also a novelist and is working on a film (or TV?) adaptation of one of his books, plus and adaptation of Cat's Cradle.

Same here. Or maybe like late fall of this year at best.

I had no idea this was coming out so quickly. If the parking lot kings aren't somehow involved with Jerry Lundegaard's parking lot deal, I'll be very disappointed.

Is the junk yard group in the comics?

What happened to Mort? Early on it seemed like he was in nearly every episode. Is Andy Kindler just busy?

Maher is a major terrorist attack away from becoming another Dennis Miller.

It's a grey area. Let's start with the Soup Nazi, who has chili on his menu. Is that a soup? Not technically. He also has jambalaya and that is more like and Italian red sauce than it is a soup or a stew. What about gumbo? Not on his menu, but it's a stew. Cream of chicken is very hearty, especially with crackers.