
I always loved his line from Airheads about Vince Neil

Watching shows with two kids running around is hard

I had no idea people were shitting on Fleet Foxes

When the hell did turn bad? Did I miss something?

What happened to Girl Talk?

Next time set it in Kandor…it can be a…Bottle City Episode. AMIRITE?

You know that saying "you have a face for radio?" They have a voice for newspapers

‪Will the tracker still work after you drop them and then they get stepped on?‬

Might need to rewatch this whole season

I'm talking about fake "real Eleanor". I get that she works for The Bad Place. What I can't remember is if, when she was introduced on the show, she got a flashback like what Kristen Bell, Chidi, Tahani, etc…got throughout the season

My only question is, did real Eleanor get a flashback that only the viewers saw?

If GL Corps doesn't have the squirrel lantern and the plant lantern (I think there is one) or some other crazy lantern, then it's a huge failure.

Curious if the Versace season will focus just on him or he more about Cunanan's spree

This review reads so negatively that
I thought I had lost my ability to recognize what the letter A looks like.

He wants to kill all the hosts, but I don't know about putting them out of commission. That implies he wants the park to close, not sure if that's what you meant. I assume being that his company owns most of the park, he wants it to stay open and continue making money. IIRC, he didn't seem to know what the Delos board

I assume with Harris back, some of the Delos board will survive. I assume they'll try to cover up what happened. I assume all the hosts that were in the cold storage will be destroyed. Im guessing Delos will attempt to reboot Delores, Teddy et al, and maybe implement the plan to "simplify" the hosts, which will of

So is that what Ford thinks all guests will want? Does the park remain open? I guess we don't know what kind of world the show takes place in. Maybe there are people who would pay for the thrill of possibly being killed by robots?

I'm really curious to see where this show goes in season 2. I've heard Ed Harris is coming back so either he survives or there are a ton of flashbacks, which seems doubtful.

I thought I remember some staff member mentioned the new narrative Ford was working on with Wyatt. It made it seem like he wasn't done, it hadn't been implemented or put into action yet, guests couldn't partake in it yet. But then the Man in Black is seemingly taking part in the narrative, as if Ford is done with it

My confusion with the two more current timelines is that someone alluded to Ford's new story featuring Wyatt, and yet it also seems like MiB is participating in a story with Wyatt that is already ongoing and not still in the works. Unless I'm misrembering.