mr. tea

i was on a flight where an older gentlemen was trying to use his VR, apparently for the first time. Because he kept somehow disconnecting the phone from the headset, and the audio would just play out loud until the flight attendant came over to tell him to stop it.

philly’s got a lot of mouth breathers, but i don’t think any of our stadiums were built with any considerable amount of public funds

we’re putting the lives of wealthier people at a higher value, and leaving those who remain with a purely-financial barrier to survival.

do you know the significance of “Aldan” printed on one of the sticks? I lived in a tiny town by that name, that people from 20 minutes away don’t even know exists. blew my mind to see it

please, then, explain what it stands for - if not for the “pride” that southern states had in wanting to keep human beings in chains, so much so they were willing to tear this country apart to do it.

he’s faking it. why is he even alone in the tunnel? there’s no trainer around to help him walk?

ummm, because it’s owned by rupert murdoch and therefore just part of a propaganda machine that perpetuates white supremacy?

ironic, isn’t it, that it was corporations who taught us to distrust the government

The hearbeat gives me chills every time

The hearbeat gives me chills every time

it all comes down to $

rinse it out and squeeze it really good after you use it. it’s not rocket science. keeps it smelling much less bad

“A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away”

I’m really glad they clarified what was meant by “cock sauce”

i know y’all don’t exactly choose your ad placement, but really?

glad you’ve realized that. I’ve been thinking it for years

The conceit of the Big 3 was pretty simple

one of the sneakiest/smartest (from the R perspective) provisions in the bill is that the medicaid cuts wouldn’t take place until 2023 . . . in other words, under the next president’s administration. so if it passes, they’ll be able to place the blame for gutting medicaid on whoever happens to be in office then.


is there a reason we’ve had six versions of essentially the same article today?