Chairman Kaga

The point was Cairo has more in common with the city where they actually grew up - massive, sprawling megacity with loads of traffic - than 18th century Tunis, which is probably what most people think of when they imagine Cairo.

Talking to an Egyptian friend of mine about Ramy, which we’re both fans of. He said he was watching the episode where Ramy goes to Egypt to see his family and gets lost in the desert, and his GF started asking him what it was like to grow up in the middle of a vast desert like that... then 5 minutes later he’s in a

CODA’s entry in this is understandable, but I honestly thought it was pretty terrible. The story was pure treacle and every beat was being semaphored with flaming car dealership-sized flags. I’d seen that movie countless times before during the “family is magic” era of the late 80s/early 90s.

Maybe I’m just an imbecile, but I thought Power of the Dog was borderline unwatchable, from the cryptically languid pace to Cumberbatch’s inexplicably bizarre accent.

I can see a Gofundme to cover his deductible, which in LA is probably at least $1,000, or maybe he can’t wait for the adjustor to come out (yes, it can be days or even weeks), then a decision, THEN the work?

My kids have picked up on it.

I mean, I’m not above declaring I would leave my PS2 on all night with GT4 running a 24-hour race in manager mode just so I could claim a million credit prize, or running the high-speed ring race over and over and over in a massively overpowered Lotus Esprit to claim $600,000 credit prize, but at least in that game

Nah. They nailed the mechanic in 2005 with GT4. This is just about profit.

GT peaked with 4 and has steadily become less fun since then. I was excited for GT7 for about 24 hours, decided to not pre-order and see how launch went, and am now smugly wondering what they can do to right the ship, if anything.

I thought this was isolated to my hometown, a retirement community in Central Arkansas, but I’ve been seeing it more and more lately, maybe due to the increasing size of vehicles, here in Austin.

You know, I’d sort of lost interest in GT after 5, and Sport totally turned me off. I was on the fence about 7 and decided to not preorder, and at this point, I think I’m fine with that decision. I had my fun with GT since the first one, but for past several generations it was just not fun anymore, and yeah, it’s OK

I’m so glad I decided to wait on pre-order...

Cut your tomatoes first, then lightly salt them, letting them “cure” a bit before assembly. Olive oil and red wine vinegar go on the greens with a dash of salt and pepper or even a pinch or oregano. Even if it’s just deli turkey and swiss on commodity bread, your sandwiches will never be the same.

You know, I’ve pretty much only ever had hatchbacks, because hatchbacks are perfect cars, at least for my wants and needs. The number of times in a year I could use a truck are so insignificant next to the times I need a space to put things into that is secure and safe. I had a Mazda B2200 in college. It was a beater

All because Michael Masi had no spine. Do you think for a second Whiting would have made that same incorrect interpretation?

There’s been a rash of this in residential Austin lately. People park in their driveways and on the street, and thieves have snatched cats AND gas at the same time without security cams even getting their approach. Super sneaky.

I blame knob-heads willing to sit in an idling care for any amount of time greater than 5 minutes to obtain fast food. I could literally go to the grocery store and buy chicken, peanut oil, flour, yeast, butter, milk, cucumbers, potatoes, etc, go home, bake buns, fry chicken and potatoes, make pickles,  slap it into a

If you really want to save money, then sell your newish car for a profit, buy a beater (which’ll still be inflated, unfortunately), wait for the market to correct or convert your beater into a horde-slaying warmachine. Either way, win-win.

Missouri is also trying to make ectopic pregnancies illegal, or rather, receiving treatment for them would be a capital offense. So your options are to die or risk the death penalty.

How many gray market MiG29s can $700M buy? Asking for a few million friends.