I dunno. Texas? I think we have citizen’s arrest if there is reasonable proof of a crime, but ultimately it’s up to the judge to determine if the person detaining the other did so legally. Or maybe the defender can raise it? I dunno. I just know the county po-po busted my roommate.
I was 5 in 1980 and I KNEW Vader was lying.
Apparently Tatooine and the Lars Family appear in about 2/3 of one episode, then moves offworld for the remainder of the series, focusing on the Inquisitors and Obi Wan.
Huh. In college one of my roommates was arrested. Went to eat at a local Mexican place by himself, forgot his wallet back on his desk at the college newspaper office, so the restaurant manager detained him until the police came, who arrested him for misdemeanor theft under $100. He wasn’t booked, just cited, but had…
I’ve yet to see one that I could actually purchase for less than $800.
I have an almost decade-old PS4, so I checked out PS5 prices.
The bright side.
Eat about 50% of the fries while they’re still hot, then save the rest for in between bites of burger. Fries do NOT get better over time, but a burger generally does to a point.
American cops plant drugs on people all the time, but it’s beyond the real of possibility that Russian cops would do the same, especially if it was politically advantageous? OK.
I’m saying my friends saw UFOs in the strictest sense of the term, at least until my other friends admitted it was a prank. I think a lot of people who see UFOs know in their rational brains they are seeing a natural phenomenon, or manmade aircraft or object, but it makes for a better story to not say it out loud.
The Russian House, a long-standing restaurant in Austin that is owned and operated by a Russian family that has a tradition of hiring Russian (and Balkan) students from UT and ex-pats, voluntarily changed the name to simply The House. It was meant to imply a sense of inclusivity and openness, and they hung Ukranian…
“Don’t believe your lying eyes,” is a very real phenomenon. Much more interesting than non-existent alien spacecraft.
In junior high two good friends of mine saw a UFO. We were all at a Halloween party at another friend’s house that was in a pretty rural area, probably 20 kids total. These two had gone out back to smoke (because it was the 80s) when they saw several lights above the treeline hovering and zipping around.
Culver’s is the only fast food place that I’ll pick over the local fast or fast casual places, especially with the kids in tow. Everything there is good. You also can’t beat a $5 kids meal that includes frozen custard.
I feel like this show if really only appealing to those who checked out stacks of 1960s-70s sci-fi anthologies from the library every summer. It’s definitely sci-fi, but not in the modern sense where we have to apply all current understanding of science for the description to apply.
My band was in a pretty famous Sausalito studio in 1999, trying to score a distribution deal with a new indie label based out of the studio, and Third Eye Blind were recording. I can confirm Jenkins is, in fact, a jerk.
How and why Haas is still in F1 at all is a mystery to me, although it gives us quality Gunther memes.
The problem with Kia/Hyundai is that while the cars have improved tenfold, it’s still the same dealers who’ve been shucking them for 20 years.
The answer is legumes, not “food” processed to the point it imitates meat. Black bean burgers, bean burritos/tacos, chickpeas in salads, etc. Easy peasy.