
You are the reason more people want to stay home and not babysit people who can’t make friends outside of the office. 

Because deer don’t bring me candy once a year.

sure, but why, when you’re adapting something, would you adapt out one of the most iconic and recognizable concepts in favor of maybe being a hair more realistic?

Aw jeez.

You really gave those imaginary people in your head hell today. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. You must be exhausted. I know I am!

Dirt you can’t see doesn’t exist.

Oh how I loathe marketing people.

Hopefully there’s a day 1 patch already in the works to address the issues that are certainly going to come up.

It’s weird that discovering this naming convention, just now, as a non fan... makes me want to punch Activision in the face more than anything else has done?

I’m sure the famously conservative theater community will be thrilled to take her back.

It was never that, tbh. Folks just couldn’t believe that some Chinese company that no one (in the West) had heard of could pull a free to play AAA game with an art style that has a similar color scheme as BoW.

I think Ghosts was amazing, but I’d imagine my opinion would be altered if I was Japanese or East Asian. I saw some praise from Japanese game developers which was somewhat of a relief. I’ll always remember this one.

There’s not even a slight difference. There’s literally none. You’ll run up against other system bottlenecks long before you saturate 2 PCIe lanes in the SSD. It’s kind of ridiculous how some people are actually getting mad over this.

She is vilified not because she is ‘not perfect’ or that because she ‘misspoke because it was painful’, but because it was proven that she has repeatedly lied and manipulated many people around her. And, what is even more important, it was clearly shown before the court that she abused him as well. For crying out

I’m on the fence about trying this game or not. I’m not a fan of FPS games, nor do I feel terribly comfortable in 3D environments, but the short stages sound appealing, and I’m a fan of Machine Girl so I already have the soundtrack. (The soundtrack isn’t nearly as brash and violent as their regular albums, but it’s

I have to respect the reviewers who went full Tex Avery.

Play horny games, win horny prizes. They knew exactly who they were trying to appeal to with the art direction, character design, dialogue, etc.

*Hank Hill has entered the chat*