Perhaps that’s what he was counting on
Perhaps that’s what he was counting on
Is every button press of this game going to be an article
They moved their publishing HQ to Singapore as of a few months ago. Specifically owing to the crackdown and so that they can continue to do whatever they want outside of China
I think the difference is if your door is sticking you can still grab the handle and just give it a little more force then normal to open. Whereas the door handle has to pop out which is a harder problem to solve.
Once again we must ask you to automatically append this video to any article about crypto:
I think I can speak for everyone here when I say more companies need to end their statements with the sentence “I fucking hate it here”, optionally accompanied by a small animal brandishing a weapon of some sort.
People really overlook and often underrates the lore and world building of this game, just because its a gacha.
““You can point to, ‘Hey, we paid the victims, we’re making them whole’,” Frerichs said, “But if you’re continuing a culture that creates new victims in the future, you are creating more risk for your company,” he said.”
The recent consolidation in the game industry is too bad for us as consumers.
My apartment complex notified me last night that I either had to pay an absurd fee for having pets, or vacate by the 30th.
You just don’t have your MIND open to the POSSIBILITIES, man! I can’t concretely explain those possibilities or justify why they can’t exist without blockchain, but I will use words like “new economy” and “unprecedented sea change in digital ownership” and talk about “finally giving artists their fair share” in ways…
This whole thing is a reprise of all those pie-in-the-sky dreams of cryptocurrency freeing the average Joe from the tyranny of centralized banking forever. Then you realize all it's done is make a handful of tech bros, Russian hackers, and Chinese energy plant owners extremely wealthy.
“fits your narrative”
Congratulations, they discovered the concept of copyright...but without the centuries of infrastructure to support and enforce them.
I’ve tried to keep up on what exactly NFTs are, and what this particular case means, and uh, is, but nope. This article seemed to sum up exactly what came to mind as I read through this dribble, it’s a scam. Plain and simple. It’s smoke and mirrors, and just a lot of dumb gobilty-gook words that mean nothing really.
Pre-Inazuma Genshin playerbase: “The enemies are too easy. The puzzles are too easy. Chests and collectibles are too easy to find. Current exploration is not exciting and has no challenge.”
*Inazuma comes out*
Genshin playerbase: “Who on earth asked to make everything so hard!?!? Basic mobs are one-shotting me! Squishy m…