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I've enjoyed the hell out of it. The loot grind is addicting and the shooting mechanics feel more polished than anything I've played in years. The special abilities that differentiate the classes do a great job of adding variety without overloading players with too much info or overcomplicating the game. The graphics

.... he did mention it.......

"The Hellcat can burn 1.5 gallons of gas per minute."

"Horsepower is how fast you hit the guest's car in front of you and torque is how far you push it."

I know Brazil felt entitled to win this World Cup, seeing as they were hosts and all, but you can't always get what you want.

First they take France, then they commit a massacre.. Last stop: Argentina?

This is the waterslide-video equivalent of blue balls with its cameras facing every direction but the direction I wanted to see. If I wanted to watch two hairy dudes get wet, I would have opened an incognito tab.

Krul Summer

People have been saying that about them this entire World Cup ;)

BEST. THING. EVER. Also, be careful watching this at work, your co-workers may not understand the fits of manic laughter. You've been warned O_O

Except for men. We can call them males.

It's fun to read articles before trying to understand them

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Play this over the muted vid. Problem solved.

"Hey, guys, does anyone have some Fred Durst handy? Without it, this video might break YouTube with its awesomeness. I need to take it from an 11 to about a 6."

Fuck 'em. I worked for Nissan a while back manufacturing the Frontiers/Pathfinders/Xterras, and because I built the cars, I would be able to use the employee lease program. The employee lease program would allow me have up to 3 of any fully loaded Nissan/Infinity car/truck I wanted(Except GTR...awww) for around 50-60