Mike D F

I immediately assume anyone offering that little is either fishing for something to re-sell or are just assholes.

I’m sure the NHS dental coverage would help him out. 

If the truck was originally from a fleet, it’s believable that they just sprayed the yellow on a white truck when it was new. 

At the very bottom end and in the truck market, it will probably work.

I don’t think it’s doable.

Collision still sounds better. The word crash still makes it sound like a variable was uncontrollable. 

5th gear: Easy. Once dealerships stop relying on a) paying everyone commission, or flat rate, b) when they stop relying on simply moving units to stay in business and c) transparent pricing.

People grossly underestimate how expensive it is to have a shop, or even be a technician, that’s up to date with current technology and procedures.

First gear: If something is in warranty, it’s probably getting repaired at the dealer anyway. Unless the dealers are prepping themselves to start refusing power train warranties because a driving aid repair was done with third party parts.

I think his description is the most accurate I’ve ever read. It’s like a friend that’s there in certain situations

Full screen ads are shit to deal with as a consumer. Especially when you can’t just click them away and you have to try and scroll past them, but they’re blocking content and loading like a block of shit. 

Oh god, the latch on my Saturn was on the inside of the door jamb and was only reachable by getting out of the car, unless you were Gumby. 

I’ve never been a fan of the rear doors being hinged on the C-pillar with no B-pillar existing. In every vehicle I’ve experienced it has meant that over rough surfaces the whole vehicle shakes like it’s going to come apart.

I’ve never been a fan of the rear doors being hinged on the C-pillar with no B-pillar existing. In every vehicle I’ve experienced it has meant that over rough surfaces the whole vehicle shakes like it’s going to come apart.

A member of my family, a professional sales manager, was working for a company and needed to requisition a new company truck. He had to get fleet price quotes and send them to head office. Without a quote, head office several thousand miles away wouldn’t approve the purchase. It had to be a full size truck in a

He’s motherfucking Neo and we’re in the Matrix. 

It’s all the peasants flying in steerage. 

It’s people driving cars they can’t afford to own, or maintain.

1 - Acura MDX

Short term: diesel truck. Not a brodozer, just a plain Jane diesel. Preferably an old one with 4x4.