Mike D F

Would a flashy set of tires on a vehicle that didn’t pass a mechanical inspection 6 months ago make you feel better?

The original comment cited Australia’s “value”. For those of us living in North America, there isn’t a whole lot of value once you double, or triple, the price of a somewhat standard vacation. 

What a complete shit show this event turned out to be.

The problem with sticky weights is the rim needs to be very clean. Once they’re on, they’re on. At least with decent quality ones.

Tires need to be matched to the car and it’s use. So if your car isn’t worth a whole stack of money, there isn’t a whole lot of value in buying premium tires for it.

For about $1k a head you can go to an all-inclusive resort (from North America) somewhere in the Caribbean for 5 days.

The problem with getting a meaningful conviction when a driver hits someone out of pure negligence, like running a red light, isn’t limited to any one situation, city state or country. Even in Canada the conviction rate for such offences is laughable. It’s not even the prosecutor’s fault. It’s the legislation that

My neighbor lost use of his arm, and hand, about 5 years ago in an ATV accident. 

No. No. No. You completely misread that. There are 127 MGBs still literally sitting on the side of the road, because they broke down. 

Crack Pipe all day long.

Acura is the last company that needs to make another FWD sedan.

And that’s about all there is to a cooling system.

If people don’t like the third row accommodations, they can find their own transportation.

If you live anywhere cold enough, it’s actually easier on cars, in terms of rusting, than slightly warmer places are.

You’d probably never miss the small difference the performance package gives you, especially in everyday driving, unless you drove the different models one after another.

The one upside that the normal third door has over a rear ‘suicide’ door is structural rigidity and fit. After a while those rear doors just don’t like to close tight, and that’s what the front door closes too, so it’s never really tight either.

It would be worth having electric garbage trucks for residential pickup just to negate the racket their 4 trips down our back lane makes every week.

They have the only house on that block without a fence and city bylaw officers have made more than 1 visit to the house for various reason.

Or at a minimum put up a big fence so nobody has to look at it.

Bones heal. Your brain doesn’t.