Mike D F

Aftermarket head units used to have a simple switch that was supposed to be a switched ground that was controlled by the parking brake. It wasn’t difficult to bypass. 

Who are the 15% of people that DON’T want tamper proof labels?

They’re good cars, they’re just sooooooo boring. 

“Dull as a dishwasher” describes most of the cars Toyota sells.

Figure out if it can be imported into Canada and then wait until the 25 year rule kicks in and take it south. 

Wouldn’t most of New Mexico, Arizona and even up into Utah offer the same climate? Into Texas too.

Crack Pipe.

VW people are weird. Period. 

If you’re at a computer with a proper keyboard, it takes no effort all TO TYPE EVERYTHING IN CAPS! Why you would do it, that’s another thing completely.

IMO, it looks like a Jeep Patriot.

“within 3 years”

The prospect of “IF” is less appealing than the prospect of busing at -4o in a city where the buses never run on time. There are similarly priced cars with smaller chances of “IF” and cheaper repair bills.

Ford also directed dealerships to deny the existence of a problem if the vehicle came back for a fourth time. No fourth failure, no lemon law. 

I think any Alero that’s still on the road is more of a commodity car now. They’ll just be bought and sold for the same $1000 or whatever the floor is for a running and driving car, until it no longer runs and/or drives. 

Every manufacturer does the same thing. They’ll advertise an entry level car “starting at” something like $9,999, but you’d be hard pressed to ever find one on a lot. 

That’s the GM modus operandi. Do something that could be great, cut corners until it’s disappointing and then release it to the public.

Only like 3 $60k variants will ever be built. I’m calling bait and switch on it now. At that price it’s going to start cannibalizing Camaro sales.

Those “plates” just look like plastic there to prevent damage from bouncing rocks, etc.

Considering there’s no more explanation than ‘needs AWD/4x4', I’m guessing off-road is a dusting of snow or a gravel parking lot.