Mike D F

It just came out Yesterday that the police in my city covered up a case of sexual assault allegations from the unit that exists to investigate the police. Worst part is, it isn’t even a huge surprise. In the last handful of years there’s been few cases of city officers not being properly processed when they’ve been

Now playing

At least we know what song he was listening to.

If you were in an accident like the red Civic here was, and then you were arrested, your car would probably go to a police compound and then bye-bye dashcam. At the very least being arrested would leave your car open to an illegal search in which the camera’s footage might “accidentally” be deleted.

My friend works in our city’s fleet management department. Somehow a new police car made it all the way to their yard before he discovered it had been backed into. 

It looks like ‘tech’ schools are about to get an infusion of Jeep and GM truck donations. 

It looks like the tiedowns were all there. They were probably Komrade’s Best brand.

I think the ears in the ballcap were originally a regional SoCal thing. Jesse Jame, the motorcycle guy, not the other one, has always done it. 

Do BMWs not have 2 stage radiator caps like everything else? Where the first stage releases the pressure but keeps the cap on, and a second effort is required to actually remove the cap.

I would say more that the problem is a pressurized system has more capacity to hold the heat than an open air system. Meaning the ‘water’ inside a hot cooling system could be hot enough to turn to vapour (at least a very rapid boil) once pressure is lost. Resulting in the geyser we see in the clip today.

At some point in the 90s American corporate culture, at least among the top earners, turned into a game of pump and dump. Pump as much money as you can out of the company and then dump the carcass to whomever wants it. 

You gotta do something to seal up those rockers before the snow and salt start flying.

Lipstick on a pig. Clean the interior properly, give the paint a quick polish and you can make any half decent looking car look much better. 

The price is even more crack-pipey when you look at the prices of Trailblazers that are pretty much the same. At least around here they seem to just be getting dumped more often than not.

It hasn’t been well kept.

Most service manuals are garbage. Outside of electrical diagnosis flowcharts and the relevant wiring diagrams.

This is the correct take.

It’s so people don’t operate a business out of their house when it legally can’t support it.

10.63, jebus that’s fast. 

No good has ever come from sticking a Mitsubishi turbo on a Dodge motor. 

They’re marketed as ‘less than lethal’. Nobody’s ever said they don’t hurt like a motherfucker.