It’s not all that difficult to improve raw load times once you get rid of the outdated 5400RPM mechanical hard drive that comes in the PS4 and install an SSD.
It’s not all that difficult to improve raw load times once you get rid of the outdated 5400RPM mechanical hard drive that comes in the PS4 and install an SSD.
I could be wrong, but I think in this case Elon is probably smart enough to keep his finances and the company’s separate.
If you drive a vehicle based on a platform from the early 80s, everything from the last millennium is going to feel like a spaceship when compared.
Have you ever paid attentions to people’s reactions when you tell them to get a minivan?
And you don’t get the scoffs associated with minivan ownership.
The higher end models look decent. The base models are all sorts of boring.
If rust is getting to it, just go south and buy one from a state without rust.
Of course it does. It’s easier to siphon money from her if she’s perpetually under another person’s control.
Most people from Toronto probably don’t even realize there’s a whole country outside of it.
The Florida law sounds like it’s pretty targeted towards a business and customer relationship.
Doesn’t matter.
Pinstripes are bad?
I kind of like that faded look.
The establishment is liable for the over-serving and results thereof. Doesn’t matter if it’s after hours or not.
And that’s why people drive a “safe” big ass truck daily. Because they will just crush anything that gets in front of them. Until something bigger gets in front of them.
Employers could care less about how safe the vehicles are. The only important thing is that it’s the lowest priced option that fits their criteria.
An RV would be worth it just for the toilet and maybe a quick shower.
You can buy a tent ‘insert’ for the 10x10 EZ-Up shelters. I assume they will work with the knock-off brands too. That’s enough room to have a place to sit, room to sleep and store your stuff.
What about the passenger front? The article said it was a “mechanical failure”.