
Also, I feel I can speak for a healthy majority in saying, fuck off forever 2016. And pre-fuck you 2017.

Damnit, my bad, man, I keep forgetting the Kinja settings.

Being a Bills fan is a roller coaster of emotions, assuming the roller coaster in question is located in an abandoned amusement park and simply sits, stationary, at the lowest point of the track for decades.

To be fair, Haushka making the XP changes the dynamic of the whole situation so we have no idea if the Cards would’ve proceeded differently.


“A man” is setting yours sights pretty high, Emma. Have you considered a “journeyman?”

I am befuddled by this take.

That’s a horrible counterpoint

Isn’t “meat slab” a compliment?

Presumably, part of the logic behind concealed carry is to have a response to idiots who use guns and create a situation in which lethal force is necessary. Fine. I can understand the logic even if I disagree with most of it.


If it means we don’t have to navigate their shit layout, all the more power to the writers.

Could that keeper have gotten back to that?

Yeah, he should’ve grabbed the flag they threw for using the first flag and celebrated with that! I bet he’s got more celebration in him than they got flags...

Ha! Loved Raines. I’m 60 mi. from Montreal and was one of the thirty or so that attended Expos games.

People give a shit enough to hate on the chiefs? Are you sure of this? I often forget they even exist.

Ahem: go fuck yourself

RG3's peak was better than Cousins has ever played. Shanahan rushed him back with that knee, it got ripped up, and the full Derek Rose has been completed. Would I rather Cousins now? Ya, of course, but it’s undeniably true that RG3's first year was SPECIAL and then he ripped up his knee so who knows what would have

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

I don’t think you have a very good grasp on which of us is the angry one.