
Is absurd. I mean, those contested 18 foot step-back turnaround jumpers are bad shots, right? He drained a similar one in the waning moments of game one and I thought to myself Toronto must’ve been happy to see him take it. Until it went down. If GSW could somehow clear out enough space to fit him in without giving up

Perhaps the most impressive thing about Rozier is his ability to drive the length of the court over and over, nearly replicating a previous possession with each ensuing one!

Oh come on. I don’t even like the dude all that much, but Ball has an excuse... He’s a dozen games into his freaking career! You can’t measure him against Tatum, who’s playing like a legitimate veteran contributor. Let’s allow him half a season’s worth of action before declaring him a disgrace to the good family name.

Noone cares. +0.

I suspect your sarcasm detector may be in need of recalibration.

I just re-watched it and am still real confused. Guy who threw the pass was right smack in the middle of the field.

Yeah, I don’t really even understand it. Was the deep guy who threw the pass right on the sideline, and so unseen by the MTSU players? And if not, wouldn’t his presence be a huge red flag to the opposition that something was up? I really need to brush up on my espanol.

(and as soon as I post I see the first comment in the thread addresses this very point. Gah.)

So I know he gets himself plenty of well deserved flack around here, but ol’ Bill Simmons suggested a while ago that Thursday night games get scheduled for teams following their bye week. This would seem to be such a relatively easy fix to implement, can’t really figure how/why they haven’t undertaken it.

Yeah, he should’ve grabbed the flag they threw for using the first flag and celebrated with that! I bet he’s got more celebration in him than they got flags...

Seems like a pretty Heads Up play to me!