
You can’t spell Caucasian without Asian.

Plurality. The majority of Americans either voted for President-Elect Fuckface or didn’t care enough to vote.

Don’t forget that as governor of Indiana—THIS FUCKING YEAR—he signed a bill (thankfully thrown out by a human being of a judge) that would require women to hold funerals for fetuses not carried to term. HE’S A MONSTER!

Was at the game. Weird experience. It was always fun to hate Mexico’s guts with a passion. But that was sports, that made it fun. The animosity was restrained tonight. Maybe it’s because us soccer fans are a bunch of liberal hipster weenies, but it just didn’t feel right tonight to have the same level of animosity. So

True story - growing up, we always had an electric can opener, so I never had to learn how to use a regular one until I went to college and got one from Target. Didn’t use it often, but it seemed like every time I did it was exceedingly difficult AND I cut at least one finger. I just assumed I was bad at can openers,

I’ve actually had to hear that rant from an older coworker. “If they can say it, why can’t I?” Beyond all of the arguments of intent and context that were beyond this guy’s grasp, the only real answer is “Why would you want to use that word?”

This is what Donald Trump says every time he looks at his polling numbers among African-Americans.

Also there’s this nuclear button bullshit. Some people seem to think they are “bad as each other” when it comes to risk of massive war, fall of civilization etc. I mean, really? You think the person who was actually SECRETARY OF STATE is MORE likely than any previous candidate to start a nuclear war? A person who

Now playing

Amateur hour. Lee Elia knew how to let loose:

The man in charge of releasing the Sixers’ attendance figure:

38, obviously.

This is the dumbest statement of tonight that was not made by Donald Trump.

The details are different, but I think it’s similar to my theory (which isn’t original to me) about conservative coaching in football, and especially conservative fourth down decisions. The insecure coach (I don’t really mean that as an insult; most coaches seem insecure) makes decisions, maybe even unconsciously,

I’m just glad it sounds like he’s staying in the race because the GOP needs to be forced to fucking own this.

Misread this as Chip and got excited.

Shit, son, bunts are just good solid fundamental baseball. Problem with the game today is not enough people know how to lay down a good bunt.

This is bewildering. Stat-head nerd-types will tell you that if you get a man on 3rd with nobody out, he has about an 87-88% chance of scoring. Real old school baseball dudes like me and the Goose will tell you that going from first to third, and doing it in the ugliest fucking way possible, is True Fucking Grit and

Some of my favorite people. And they were awesome for speaking out. But until our politicians have the guts to make changes, real changes, against the gun dealership lobby, nothing will change. Because you can wrap all this in the American flag and 2nd amendment bullshit, but it’s all about selling guns and fuck the

Get off your high horse you pretentious fuck.

I don’t think you have a very good grasp on which of us is the angry one.