
Yes, but they’re shouting it online, and although it has no transit options, my town does happen to have internet...

Counterpoint, by using the label “ban cars” all you’re doing is enraging the folks who need them and/or enjoy them, and often immediately putting them in a defensive position and creating an us vs them mentality, which we already have an overabundance of in the modern era. Most folks won’t be willing to listen to this

Apparently Musk felt that due to the huge growth and huge growth in staff, they became overstaffed in some areas. Combine that with rising interest rates (Tesla still has about $7 billion in debt) and a projected slowdown in the economy, he’s looking to keep Tesla lean and profitable.

1st Gear: “Both Berlin and Austin factories are gigantic money furnaces right now.”

The Union bonus was always garbage. It’s ridiculously high, for one thing. There’s no way Union workers get paid $4500 more per car, or even anywhere close to that.

It’s also amusing to me that an auto journalist at the Detroit News would refer to it as a “startup.” It’s the largest EV maker in the world.

Joe Manchin killed your hope of getting a bonus tax credit for EVs made with domestic union labor

This site has come full circle: hating Tesla, loving Tesla, now hating again.

So...why is it regrettable Tesla has such high sourcing from the US?

Man Jalopnik are a bunch of Tesla haters. Why would you regret to report that Tesla is #1.

God forbid the people buying these cars get any sort of financial break, you absolute loser.

Unions exert a negative impact on economic efficiency. Unions are cartels of the Democratic Party. 

I’m glad he shot down the EV tax credit. Not because I think EVs are bad, but because giving a bonus to one subset of companies (union) vs. a different subset (non-union) is fundamentally unfair.

At least you’re finally being honest about the anti-Tesla/Musk bias. Regret. LOL

The list also highlights that other American manufacturers should really get their act together.

For me, there is only one choice, a 1944 Jeep. After all, it wasn’t a pickup truck that beat the Nazis....

I expected to see so many more of these in the comments. The Italian(?) license plate in the picture is a nice touch lol. 

Honestly, the correct answer is the Model T.

My wife and I are in the midst of a 2800 mile round trip by car to see relatives. Plane tickets, once wonderfully cheap, were looking like $700 each way apiece, and we have the schedule flexibility of having our own car with us. It does help that we like a road trip, of course. Took the dog and several bags without an