
New Strike, singular? Is this a Comet expansion or just a DLC? 1 strike seems pretty weak.

Any bets on whether the name will be Hoola?

If you don’t mind the Japanese text, you can access it through the Japanese PSNow store for rental. Not ideal, but it works.

I ordered the Dark Souls Sif metal TShirt along with another similar metal tee of Quelaag fighting a warrior. Both look amazing.

I have absolutely no issues with LGBT characters. I like the option to play that fantasy out when it’s done tastefully; or isn’t thrust into your face. However, Amber Scott seems like a real moron. This quote in particular really grates me:-

You have got to be the thickest cunt on this site. Congrats, those are really big cunty shoes to fill.

Neither a bigot nor a fan of GG. Just laughing at how triggered you are. Choke on my nuts, cunt.

And you’re an immature cunt.

Neither is 3rd wave feminism.

You’ve triggered some grade A twats in this comment thread mate. Ironic that you’ve been nothing but civil. Typical babies crying. As usual.

If you can’t handle conflicting opinions stay on your Tumblr safe space you dopey cunt.

It has a few framerate problems here and there, but surprisingly looks really pretty (I’m playing on a 4K LG tv so it upscales pretty damn well).

What part gave you trouble?

Every. Time.

Literally just platinumed Demon Souls a few minutes ago. Adding that, Bloodborne and DS2: SOTFS to my platinum trophy games.

$175? What the fuck. I get 80mb fiber optic broadband, with unlimited data for the equivalent of $50 (excluding line rental for my phone line).

I got a chuckle when I found a message in a bottle that actually did say Praise the Salt. Really fun game.

Whoops. Nearly missed picking my gf up from work at 6am because of this article. Doesn’t happen until the 27th in the UK. Doh.

People like that are why Donald Trump is going to be your next President.

Woah, easy there slugger. No need to be a cunt.