
His original [now deleted] tweet, if you've been following his posts for a while, was clearly a joke. Maybe you have to be British to get the tone and ire of it, but it's definitely there.

Gross. Don't be disgusting.

Don't be disgusting.

Except your anger is directed at everyone who will ever pour a glass. Kotaku (and indeed any site that allows comments) will always be filled with a number of toxic shitheads. Doesn't mean everyone here is an entitled, whining shit.

Don't be disgusting.

Don't be disgusting.

Well aren't you a glass half-full?

Looks like China just got a new fanboy sect of XBony Ponies.

I just can't justify getting rid of it given that PS+ becomes much more valuable when you own a Vita, PS3 and PS4, so it'll be a part of my console collection at least until Now gets properly off its feet.

Is the US version of Luke not British or something?

Northern Irish guy here. We've always called the flag the Union Jack no matter where it flew.

That was my thinking, too. But I've been waiting on the 800 series since March. I finally folded this month and picked up a 770. Though knowing my luck the 870 (or 970 if rumours are to be believed) will release very soon. Still... more than happy with the 770 so far.

If people actually fell for such an obvious troll they deserve to be culled.

Zombies again? Sweet!

And now, a sad moon's on the rise.

Thanks, Iwata.

God damn it I just replaced my XL.

Where there's a willy there's a way.

Yeah I thought so, too. It's not letting me preorder it regardless of promotional deals though. Anyone in the US able to pre order it?