
Beats me. I initially thought it was to prevent it from showing up as "in stock" until they were ready to announce it. But it's still saying sold out now, so I wonder if I'm missing something.

Retail chain Cex were selling Kinect 2s for £20 a few months ago. Eurogamer reported on it though I can't remember if Kotaku did too. Roughly $30 versus $150 is lol.

How do you preorder the DLC? On the UK store it says sold out. :(

Good job, Stephen. As ridiculous as this whole witchhunt is, it's even more of a farce that Nathan didn't write a review for it.

I'd never played Diablo before, but all the footage of the game got me so excited to play it that I picked up Vanilla D3 on PS3 for cheap last week, to tide me over until the release of the PS4 version this week. Finished the campaign and had a blast. Looking forward to the updated version.


A million times this.

Uh, no. You still don't understand what this update does. It's no different than having a bunch of friends round at your house to play a game together - you don't need to have multiple copies of the game for that, because you're only playing the 'local' multiplayer - that's what this update does. It allows you to play

Dude, seriously... This story is not about demos. Or Far Cry 4. Why are you bringing it up so vigorously? I could not give two shits about Far Cry 4. You're acting like one of those mentalists who hold "The End Is Nigh" signs and scream gibberish at people in the streets.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? I honestly can't tell if you're genuinely a moron, or only pretending to be retarded. Jolly good show if it's the latter, you'll have definitely rused a lot of commenters.

No. Nothing like Far Cry. You're still not understanding what it is. It's not a demo share as much as it is an "online couch multiplayer facilitator". That's why people are excited. Not because of something that was aping Microsoft.

This is more "EA Apathy" than "Xbox One Hate". Stop looking for any way to get offended. You look foolish.

tfw no Gravity Rush 2...

This is great! An answer to those local co-op only games I've been dying to play, but can only play online at inopportune times due to my work schedule.

Not even close. This is essentially "online" local co-op.

My only regret is that I can't recommend this post more.

So many fucking children!


It takes a special kind of fuckwit to complain about a mod that is of no interest to them. And an even bigger cunt to insult the guy who made it.

Nice pun.