
Will use the picture at a later date, thanks! Though I don't think you know what butthurt means. Derision is not indicative of rectal anguish.

Did you hire Kireek to give your first comment a handjob and give people the impression you were witty, topical and/or funny?

Welp, time to buy my Wii U back from the pawn shop.

Time to play "Stages of Grief Roulette". Which of the stages of grief will Kotaku commenters go through? Denial? Anger? Sadness? Bargaining? Acceptance? Place your bets!

Uh... left-handed people?

Dick move from a guy named Dong.

If you actually believe people aren't stupid enough to buy something based on brand loyalty alone, you have too much faith in the human race, and a catastrophic overload of faith in the American people. You're honestly too naive if you believe that.

I miss paper manuals, the box feels too bare without them. Tomb Raider Definitive Edition PS4 didn't have a damn thing besides the disc in the box.

Are you intentionally being satirical...? You've just told me that I made up that people who buy apple products are buying for the brand, then proceed to back up my point by saying you buy apple because they're a trusted brand created with simplicity and user-friendliness in mind. Did you intend to do that?

The dripping contempt here is hilarious.

If you think they don't buy it for the logo you're a fucking moron. Walk into any Starbucks, anywhere in the world and you'll see my point proven a thousandfold over. Just because you [I'm guessing] happen to not be a hipster, doesn't mean the device you support is a typical hipster fashion statement.

Show you a cheaper apple product that isn't branded apple? Are you retarded? Honest question. I'll make allowances for you in future correspondences if so.

I don't understand what you're trying to say here. Thy cleverness is known only unto thyself.

Are you fucking serious? It's a fact that when you buy Apple you buy for the brand. The internals of their computers and phones are completely inferior to the competition.

You'd end up with an overpriced piece of shit wherein you're only paying extortionate amounts of money for the brand name alone, like with every Apple product ever.

Insert "That's The Joke" image here.

It's not powerful enough to run it.

Whilst I actually like Elementary, Miller doesn't come close to Cumberbatch. Not even a little.


Why do Americans consistently fail to grasp the concept of satire? I thought it was just a stereotype at first, but it's really not.