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Battlefield 4: PlayStation 4 vs. Xbox One comparison [DigitalFoundry]

As a layman, the main difference I can see is that XO has more 'gleam'. It just looks like they made everything slightly darker and more shiny.

What is the buzz like for Xbox fans over in the states? It's honestly like crickets at night in Ireland. No one over here gives a toss about the TV features. The PS4 has the most traction amongst peers and limelight, and it really does seem like MS are buggered over here.

>reporting info from industry insiders and actual developers which happens to be true

Hahaha brilliant!

Detective game, eh? Come on Ho-Oh Wright: Ace Attorney.


I'll reply to your attempt - to not seem like you've just shat yourself in indignation - with internet slang so I look cool:

Generic horde mode, maybe, but it still looks like a lot of fun.

Looking for new and exciting in a Call of Duty game? Lol. Right.

Sadly, we are just herd animals. We're a little smarter, yes; but we're still primarily instinct-driven. Hunger, Sex, Thirst, Free Stuff. Situations like this just further enforce that fact.

Exactly my point! It's not so much what the stuff is, as the fact it's being given out for free. People go nuts when things are free, or on sale.

Nothing to do with the item itself. It's the fact that it's free. The exact same situation would happen [and has, repeatedly] when something is given for free in limited numbers. Welfare or Foodstamps have nothing to do with it at all.

You're still going to be called a fag for beating someone to the free stuff, though! :P

This isn't limited to Call of Duty at all. It's a very common 'crowd mentality' response. This would have the exact same results if there was a stand giving out free Doritos and Mountain Dew to the first 500 people there.

False. It's a very, very common 'crowd mentality' response. This would have the exact same result if there was a stand giving out free Doritos and Mountain Dew to the first 500 people there.

That's the idea behind the name. Think of it as "Microsoft really are X-Boned this gen."

...it is a new engine, and a new war....

Are you high? You seem high.