
Jesus Christ. Prohibition is a word. It is also a term use to describe the outlawing of alcohol.

Pornography in china IS censorship, we're in agreement there. The distinction being the blurring or removal of material others find objectionable.

I remember playing this years and years ago.

Pretty sure he meant after the rental period of 3 years.

"No Russian".

I don't need to. The definitions speak for themselves. Censorship involves cutting out content which others find disagreeable; and is a blanketing act - if it was censorship the disagreeable content would be removed for EVERYONE.

False, but good attempt. 3/10


WarZ Fans? That's an oxymoron, sir.

Not really, the supreme levels of mongoloid put forth by your equating "prevention of minors from buying adult games" with censorship stands on its own merits.

Get on my level, dumbfucks.

Just to play devil's advocate here; let's hypothesize that there's an additional variable: The other players on online games. Thinking logically, it's going to have a direct CAUSAL link between the player and aggression. I'm sure we can all remember a time when some 12 year old called us a faggot during a game, or


ITT: Stupid shits thinking prohibiting the sale of 18-rated games to 11 year olds is infringing on their rights.

Out of curiousity, how high up in the protesting hierarchy were those who were killed?

I'm a final year Evolutionary Psych. student at University. But I've been off for Christmas break since December 1st (UK release date of Wii U was November 30th). Christmas Break technically ended on the 7th January, but then it's exam time. I only had 2 exams. Semester 2 doesn't start for me until the 28th of this

Until Dead Island features 'tit-lopping off' alongside limbs, I'll fail to see how this is anything more than a gross homage to Dead Island. Would you have preferred her to have the tits missing, with bite marks in their place? How about a male torso?

No problem dude, it's a great solution to the number 1 cause of deaths in this game: Panic due to zombies. The few seconds of breathing time are crucial.

I found during my first runthrough that the Tower of London parts are designed to trick you into thinking you've got a time limit. (you don't!) So take your time and kill every Zombie on the way through, you'll reduce the number of infected on the rooftop, and if you have ammo left over they should be easy pickings.

Or he's Polish.