
It's somewhere between an art and witchcraft. 


I live in Iraq. 


Tale as old as time: I wanted a minivan. My wife refused to get a minivan. Some things... aren’t worth the fight.

Americans will use anything but the metric system

1. A story guy, not a data guy. A story guy doesn’t care what’s true or accurate, he just loves a good story.

Buy a drag strip and host a drag show, with drag queens drive drag racers. Really confuse the shit out of Republicans.

Gamma Goat

We almost had a Ferrari F150.

Er... that’s not drifting. That’s losing the back-end when you realize you made a very bad decision and try to save yourself by flooring it.

Oh, absolutely. But if you’re going to use a rotary, using it as a range extender makes the most sense.

Wow can’t believe this list didnt mention one of the best weird car keys of all time, the credit card key that Mercedes and Mazda used to be put in your wallet

The door is designed just like the doors on all Boeing and Airbus airliners. You can see the design when you’re getting onto an airplane. There are 12 stop pads on the door frame that engage 12 stop fittings, 6 on each side. When the door is in place, these pads interface with each other in such a manner that cabin

This is because it’s an inflammatory post created to insight outrage and get clicks....plain and simple. Everyone reading this.....don’t engage....continue on and enjoy car posts (or head to Autopian where it’s more relaxed, fun and informative).

Still do! 23 cars, buses, and bikes by my last count. Plus a camper trailer and a Honda Motocompacto.

This is a 5 year old under powered (by today’s standards) mac, about to go out of support. Model MQD32LL/A

This is a 5 year old under powered (by today’s standards) mac, about to go out of support. Model MQD32LL/A