
So when you get divorced, how does it work, do you get your original testicles back, or does her new guy have to give you his? Awaiting your response.

fuck, beat me to it.

And yet here you sit, commenting anonymously

You response completely disproves the narrative of this website, expect it to be ignored.

and there are also people who will continue to do these things despite any education they receive. That's where being careful comes in, but anytime someone says she should have been more careful, it's victim blaming

You mad?

so if even a drunk man is dangerous, a sober one is absolutely dangerous? That explains a lot. You might want to see a psychiatrist.

So hostility and fear is your go to template for interactions with men?

If you think you've never met one, then you've definitely been fucked by one.

They may not all be the same, but theyre not all unique snowflakes either, certain things will work on a certain percentage of them.

If you had one, you would get it.

You'd be suprised how many men feel that way. Society conditions guys to be that way. That women want attractive, powerful, and rich guys(and women do nothing to dispel this either, they play right into it), and if you're not any of those you better have something. Hence the game.

So the probably with the idea of game is that women are offended by the idea theyre not all a special unique snowflake? Deal with, you're not special, you're not unique, nobody is, no man, and no woman.

that makes sense, understanding stuff is hard with those tiny brains.

Why do you assume hes not getting laid? I can understand rodgers, everyone knows that, but you literally know nothing about him and just assume hes not getting laid because he doesnt agree with you? Or is that your sad little attempt at an insult? Because that one is getting kind of old

If there are measures, where are your measurements? You cant drop bullshit "proof" without actual numbers. And considering a womans attractiveness peaks mid 20s and a mans in his mid 30s, thats completely untrue. Why do you think women try to snag a husband before they turn 30? Because the majority of men dont want

You cant be serious and claim that attractive men have the exact same opportunities for a real connections as an overweight IT nerd. Not everyone has the same opportunities period. Money, race, looks, profession, all play a role in who women choose, and someone will always get the shitty end of the stick.

"And I'm conventionally attractive and thin—I get hit on constantly"

Some women liked to be choked during sex, I think its fucking weird and I would be too scared (im a pretty big guy with extensive martial arts experience) of both hurting her and the repercussion were she to use that against me, but its happened 3 or 4 times. Its not illogical to think that if she likes it during sex

Except that PUAs get plenty of women to come near them.