
Even the college towns, like UWO which is the biggest party school in canada, has a much more active bar scene than frat party scene. Because most people can drink by 2nd year, instead of 4th year, frats dont hold that alcohol monopoly, and bars have opened up to cater the drinking needs of students.

I think drinking age has everything to do with it. Frat houses are essentially an alcohol distribution mechanism. Fake ID's are harder to get in the US and for most minors the easiest way to get blasted is to go to a frat party. Getting booze is a joke in canada, even in high school, and frat parties dont have the

The fact that you got any stars is genuinely scary. Shave your armpits.

But you want to ban them all anyway. You essentially want to ban people from having fun with other like minded people. Easy there Josef.

The 2 scenarios you described are completely separate from what was described. A bunch of assholes join an organization that a bunch of regular guys also join. The regular guys stay regular, but the abudance of assholes paints them with the same brush. Does not make them into assholes, just gives you, the moron, the

It can sound like whatever you want, but its a sad reality. Like they said, you can try to buck the trend and potentially fail, or you can do something that requires little to no extra effort on your part and improve your chances of success greatly.

so unless someone agrees with you on everything, they must not be a woman? Great logic there

great, I'll find someone else who wants to have sex with me and doesn't think I should be grateful for the privilege , have a nice life.

Not cleaning is a thing that happens.


universities are not the police. They can't prosecute anyone

Have never seen a Finer example of tl;dr than this.

Most of the PUA guys lived your control male scenario for years, and never got laid. Thats why they do the PUA now.

A white woman 100% has more privilidege than a man of color. You are fucking retarded if you think otherwise.

And you say you're not emotional...

And you say you're not emotional. LOL.

Haha, dumbass, try taking your own snarky advice before you post stupid shit. Another reason nobody likes feminists, #1 fucking hypocrites in the world.


Isnt that exactly what they are? Sexual orientation rights?

Slow day at starbucks eh?

Feel free to use this, ive been having a blast. You know that the Francis Underwood character from house of cards is based on mitch mconnell?