
Thats a great reason. Tear it down and start fresh if you really want to get something done, because at this point in public opinion you're a bunch of fascists who want to project their own idea of whats right onto the world with no regard for anyone but yourself.

" undoubtedly muddled by the evil conservative patriarchy types"

Protip, the correct answer is usually the most obvious. Its entirely possible for her to pursue the same goals as feminism but think that feminism is bad.

Matrix of priviledge and bias? More like jobs where you actually have to do something rather than sitting on your ass writing reports, engineers and doctors dont need to know how to punctuate, they make fucktons of money and it has nothing to do with priviledge or bias, they heal people and build shit, these are much

It wouldnt be any of my fucking concern thats what would happen, there are plenty of people on the planet last another generation, what happens after I die i dont care about, planets going to shit anyway. How in the fuck does me not having kids = im obligated to help those who do. THATS WHY I DIDNT HAVE KIDS.

LMAO. Could you be any more sexist? If a guy says that about a girl hes a sexist misogynyst douchebag creep, but its PERFECTLY okay for you to say the exact same thing about guys, fucking this is why people hate feminists, and even female celebrities dont wanna call themselves feminist.

It also generally doesnt give them a false sense of superiority and too much time on their hands after a masters in womens studies or english and the inability to find a job, thus precipitating the need to constantly find reasons to be outraged in order to spice up their mundane, miserable lives.

So you come to jezebel for a sanitised and biased view of the world that fits your narrative? How mature of you.

If he did reason it that way, that reasoning would be 150% correct.

They were too high to move their lips, but they were thinking it.

Jews dont kill each other at the rate black people do, that might be why nobody calls them angry.

By definition, anecdotal evidence is unreliable and useless evidence in painting a generalization, so no, nothing is destroyed. Try opening a dictionary sometime.

Thats not street harassment, thats a drunk.

Sounds like you never left the elementary school :"ewww boys are yucky"

Yet there are fat women in this very thread talking about the catcals they get being

" "You probably don't realize how beautiful you are." or "I just want you to know that you're beautiful and I hope that that makes you feel good today." "

""You probably don't realize how beautiful you are." or "I just want you to know that you're beautiful and I hope that that makes you feel good today.""

But I thought all white men cat call all the time, why would they be scared of cat calling you alone if theyre so privileged?

Or maybe shes a reasonable person who isnt constantly looking for a reason to be offended and legitimately didnt feel like she was being harassed. I know its hard for you to understand you're not the morality police and this doesnt fit your narrative, but give it a try sometime. This was also taken in a much different