Michael Borders

funny no one has mentioned the ipad mini not being announced

Obviously the artist that created this hasn't watched a blockbuster movie at the Lincoln Center Theater at 68th and Broadway. the Upper West Side is full of "older" folks and they are about as bad as the teens at the Harlem Magic Johnson theater in Harlem on a saturday night.

Really?!? I had two chairs Exactly like these that I got from crate and barrel for $25!

what is up with the prism housing? there shouldn't hav one if it is mirrorless.

And watch the battery life shorten - I have found that using third party chargers saps battery life , shortening the duration it can hold a charge.

Cotton is the worst thing you can wear, it is hydrophilic and will cause you to be colder. Plus, wool is inherently anti microbial, meaning it won't allow bacteria to grow,s which causes your cotton undies to stink.

This is urban, I live in new York city and am a guide at Eastern Mountain Sports. Any educated, city dweller, who wants to stay warm will layer. Suit or not. I also do graphic design at Tory Burch, a very fashion oriented, corporate environment, and I dress as described above. I mean, you don't wear it all day, you do

ONE Layer! you really don't have a clue do you? I'm not saying you need 14 layers but you should have at least three (not including your shirt) 1."next-to-skin" like icebreaker 200 (260 if you are cold natured) this is necessary to wick the moisture away from your skin - merino wool is still the best at doing that.

Eastern Mountain Sports has a better selection of Outdoor Gear and has the best return policy in the industry. not to mention the amazing customer service ! www.ems.com

what is he drinking? Lemonade?!?! Milk is what to drink to stop the heat. Milk has an enzyme that blocks the capsaicin - [en.wikipedia.org]

I totally love this! I was just in paris and found that their bike share system is doing quite well. many people were using the bikes and if you know where the stations are and can get from one to the next in less than 30 minutes, it's free! I do agree with many of the other comments, police should ticket bikers just

OK - first this is old news and second it is not an inflatable bike helmet, it is an airbag concept that only deploys in the case of an accident. I wish contributors did a little more research before posting assumptions. here is a link to the award: [www.indexaward.dk]

The apple website is up, but store.apple.com is still down.

you just wish your ass looked that good with a QR code on it!

Those little hands are creepy!

I would be more concerned about the bird crap(and squirrel and racoon and feral dogs and cats) personally!

so what you're saying is it can't lift three blades simultaneously? unless the blades need to be lifted to 8 feet! so even with this modern tech and all it's fancy specs it still couldn't lift the largest stones at Baalbek in lebanon (1,000 tons). atleast not over 8 feet without tipping!

this sucks - I had the one DVD out +streaming plan. I would stream most of the movies I watched but I also received a couple of DVDs a week that I rip to an external for later viewing. since I stream 95 percent of the movies I watch with netflix, I guess I will go with the unlimited streaming, because 50% more for a

DUH! it took that long to figure that out!

WOW - That made me feel like crap - I mean if that was American workers...let's not even go there! American workers USED to take that kind of pride in their work! When "Made in the U.S.A." meant something!