Michael Borders

check out this model from the movie "The Mechanic" - The Pro-Ject RPM 9.2 - [youtu.be]

urine is 98% water...

This is so 20th century - I saw this 12 years ago and was hoping then it would come to market - [www.dpreview.com]

Cyanogen Mod 7 RC3 with JAMT-White Gradient Theme, Ichi Wallpaper and Clockr. Home Icon replaced using desktop visualizer.

I love that the Rep for apple doesn't know the technical reason for the screen going black when the cover is applied - I figure it is probably a light sensor since that is what is used on smart phones the world over!!! and they call them geniuses!!!

Me too - I have a My Touch 4G in New York and use it as a Wi-Fi hotspot and stream Hulu and netfix all the time with no problems. I think last month I used something like 10GB or so...

@Ris Oyt: Not this one - that was the one from last week - "Canon successfully develops world's first APS-H-size CMOS image sensor to realize record-high resolution of 120 megapixels". an APS-H size sensor is only :30.2 x 16.7 mm.

how many pixels?

it has to be fake - no civilized airport would allow video in that sensitive of an area.

if the build ing is that crappy - maybe it should be torn down any way...

check out this mix - I bet you can't recreate this! [kck.st]

@zenpoet: true that - I've had one for several years and have never had anyone at the airport think twice about it.

that's why I will stick to android...Camera360 app let's me use a button!!!

this looks very similar to massimo vignelli's 1972 and 2008 redo - [www.designboom.com] - http://www.vignelli.com/recent.html

yea - but not in New York City - The airport has the best deal!

it's a build up to 2012!