
Thanks for the scan there, T-800.

There’s like, an entire subgenre of “ripped shirtless dudes eating giant meals” videos, right next to the “Korean ladies in schoolgirl outfits eating so much food they’re uncomfortable and burping a lot”.


“I’m sad that whatever potential DDL role that requires large burrito-eating doesn’t exist.”

Similar to the bloody nose I got while trying to bring all of the groceries in from the car in one trip.

Ah, irony...

Wait are you really complaining about Mark Hamill potentially being in a fun movie? Do you hate puppy gifs too?

i just rewatched GOTG2 last night and it’s not as good as i remembered. the plot reminded me of an episode of Futurama but the bolt-on daddy issue stuff was so... ugh.

does marvel really need to shoehorn more celebs into this thing? remember when blockbusters used to LAUNCH careers?

Fifty Shades of Ugg-Ugg

One must wonder whether “symbolic” thought is an actual improvement.

Cave art or British dental examine? You decide.

Man, those are some racy cave doodles.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

Be... sure.... to... drink... your... Ovaltine!

Shoutout to people who give a damn!

lmfao this is 140% the WRONG take.

Zip it, dork.

A charging buffalo will break through a gorilla wall easily. A cape buffalo weighs in at 1300 lbs and an American bison is even bigger. Your average gorilla is weighing in at under 400lbs.

I don’t know how to do gifs and emojis. But I’ll just type blank face and leave

*blank face*