
No, pretty sure they only ate natural, organic, hormone free, GMO free, free range. How else did they maintain a life expectancy that’s a third of ours?

And a collective sigh of release swept the nation as paleo dieters everywhere bit into that bagel they’ve wanted for three years.

Lost interest when it said he was playing a character and not crazy.


Holy mackerel, a fishy flirter sounds slimy but is apparently a thing!

LOL. Glad I’m not the only one, although usually it’s a hamstring cramp that gets me.

But once they do grow up... look out.

William Dampier.

Welcome to Whiterun
such a perfect town
Here we have some rules let us lay them down
Don’t make waves
Stay in line
and we’ll get on just fine

It’s the World of Warcraft of Skyrims.

This, this is fucking impressive.

i raise you two otters holding hands

It’s Friday!!

For those in need of a dosage of cute. Here are three.

I am really really going to miss Jon. So I am extra glad we get Stephen back next month.

Man, Conductive Heat transfer is HOT!