
Blocks floating in air? Of course its not real! Look, Uncle Jim has a parrot! Lets tame that fucker!

Thank you.

Oh thank god! I was nervous that this might have consequences!

Take your star and sit down.


This is actually a Razor Clam! Absolutely delicious.

And, *GASP* maybe it may even open others eyes and be accepting of others!

Thanks. You just made me laugh so hard i got found out at work... And now we are all laughing... nicely done.

Cruz. I wanna see some of that white detritus fly out of his mouth again.

Heh, heh...

Star for “Necessary Lubrication”

...Is that...Is that meat?

And a pedigree. Don’t forget the pedigree.

You are doing the lord’s work.

You mean the ones George Bush started? Or the one terrorist groups started? Because those are two different wars.

...We cannot start sounding like Trump...Not here, not now. Sad! #altfacts

You came early?

Best Comment ever.

Say “Alternative Fact” one more time...

^ yup