
Just read through the Orange Aborted Mole Rat’s personal Schindler’s List, and this reads like 1984.

My gastrointestinal distress mirrors the agony of my soul.

You are a poet.

...Do you honestly believe Trump would do ANYTHING that benefits anyone other than himself?... I hope you don’t...

And for you, a digital kiss. Pucker up, butter cup!

FUCK YA. I have been puking and crying all night.. I just came upon this thread, and you just gave my heart wings... Fuck. This. Shit. I’m gonna fight.

At least an uncut pecker wouldn’t grab a woman by the pussy. Just playfully poke.


I get that all the time... My names Eric, too. Comes with the territory. No one likes an Eric... :(


I belly laughed!

Ha! You did it! You got a star!

Have a star.

Actually, that ain’t half bad!

Does sex count?

Can someone please fix this so that Mad Max is happening out his windshield? Please?!

I keep clicking the star but i can only make the first one count!

That is clearly diet pepsi, sir. Only the most evil sip upon its dark waters...

Yes please to:

Good Kinja.