Just read through the Orange Aborted Mole Rat’s personal Schindler’s List, and this reads like 1984.
Just read through the Orange Aborted Mole Rat’s personal Schindler’s List, and this reads like 1984.
My gastrointestinal distress mirrors the agony of my soul.
...Do you honestly believe Trump would do ANYTHING that benefits anyone other than himself?... I hope you don’t...
And for you, a digital kiss. Pucker up, butter cup!
FUCK YA. I have been puking and crying all night.. I just came upon this thread, and you just gave my heart wings... Fuck. This. Shit. I’m gonna fight.
At least an uncut pecker wouldn’t grab a woman by the pussy. Just playfully poke.
I get that all the time... My names Eric, too. Comes with the territory. No one likes an Eric... :(
I belly laughed!
Ha! You did it! You got a star!
Have a star.
Actually, that ain’t half bad!
Does sex count?
Can someone please fix this so that Mad Max is happening out his windshield? Please?!
I keep clicking the star but i can only make the first one count!
That is clearly diet pepsi, sir. Only the most evil sip upon its dark waters...
Yes please to:
Good Kinja.