
Can someone please fix this so that Mad Max is happening out his windshield? Please?!

I keep clicking the star but i can only make the first one count!

That is clearly diet pepsi, sir. Only the most evil sip upon its dark waters...

Yes please to:

Good Kinja.

This is good Kinja.

Holy shit this is an old post.

He took it like a champ, though!

Wait, that’s a thing?!

*starts slow clap*

This is not the time to bring this crap up again! We got an election to win, damn you!!!

I’ve had a head cold for a few days now, you know, with lots of congestion and whatnots... Seeing that dude in slow motion, then suddenly come alive when that hand gets near his mouth shut drained my sinuses via powerful gafaw. That is all.

You did it!!!!

Oh my god, am I John Kasich?!

“it burns oil like your uncle’s ancient lawnmower with the grace of an armadillo in a washing machine, and it was created by an insane Nazi.”

Hey, don’t blow it! Keep it up, man!

As a man, I find the act of men not moving out of the way when clearly, you are on a collision course, to be disgusting. Its either so they can have an excuse to be closer to the woman, or the simply believe themselves to be more important than their “victim.” I am not so sure it is just women this happens to, or that

Prawn, not shrimp.

You win all the internets.

Shank you for that.