
-If all else fails, get them pregnant, I guess. If that’s an option.


Goddamn those mines!

Im so jealous lol

Who brought that kid? I’m trying to get shitfaced here, man. Get the talisman of old age out of my goddamn face.

If he closes his eyes one more time when he talks, I’m going to make a run for it!

As a Seahawks fan, i want to not like this post. I can’t do it though. It makes too much sense. Did we just become friends?

Who run Barter-town?


"How do you shoot women and children?"

lol guys...he's black... like, actually black. You guy's ARE idiots!

Hot damn!


At what point in our development as a species do we turn our back on our eating habits? Yes, it may seem difficult to eat something that resembles our intelligence, but when do we draw the line? When we are only comfortable eating yeast? Synthetic Amino Acids? I HATE senseless deaths, human, flora, or fauna, however,

You're my hero!

Wow, she's pretty freakin' hot.

I knew we shoulda gave em more blankets....

An apprentice wanting to kill his master to gain his secrets? I've seen this before...

...this will haunt my dreams...

Dude. Russians.