
I’d be interested to see how this performs on gaming systems. I haven’t shopped for a TV in a while, but I’ve heard people complain that in some 4K sets there is a noticeable delay.

I’d be interested to see how this performs on gaming systems. I haven’t shopped for a TV in a while, but I’ve heard

I bought the cheapy version of this 4-05 months ago and so far I really like it. Even facing away from the light I find even the reflection of the light against the wall is enough to start to wake me up before the alarm.

I bought the cheapy version of this 4-05 months ago and so far I really like it. Even facing away from the light I

I hope it’s true because it shows my area will only see a .8% increase. But given Zillow’s real estate estimate numbers I’m guessing there is a +/- 30% margin of error on that

I really need to try this. I’ve been using Paprika for a long time, but they soak you for their apps. $5 for iOS ( can’t recall if it is a universal app or separate apps for iPhone and iPad), $20 for the Mac app, and $20 for the Windows app. So if I want to sync all of my devices, it would be $45 at a minimum to store

After Microsoft effectively killed Windows Media Center, this ended up being the best option for me. The Roamio OTA combined with Tivo Minis allowed me to hook up all of my TVs to the same central storage server and gave me access to my streaming sites (even Plex!). There is also less monkeying around than the HTPC so

After Microsoft effectively killed Windows Media Center, this ended up being the best option for me. The Roamio OTA

Here’s my own take on it. I live in Minnesota where it gets hot and humid in the summer then dry and cold in the winter. Hot and humid just means you can’t cool off from sweating, so the sweating just makes things worse. Cold and dry means suddenly the moisture in the air you’re accustomed to is gone; so you your lips

One thing worth mentioning, though it’s probably limited to a handful of scenarios, is that VMWare Fusion containers can be easily migrated to other VMWare products like VMWare Workstation or ESXi.

Technically yes. However the license agreement for OS X states Mac OS X can only be run on Apple hardware. They allow for virtualization, but that is only if you are running something like ESXi on a Mac pro or Mac Mini.

I’ll take umbrage with one of their hacks after reading the cleaning chapter this morning. They say to use vinegar instead of rinsing liquid for your dishwasher. This technically works, but the acidity of the vinegar will dissolve rubber gaskets in the dispenser. People will do this and start finding fine black

This was a few years ago so I don’t remember everything they denied, but the biggest ones were air purifiers. I was getting injections for allergies because late summer and into fall they get so bad that I have to stay indoors or I go into coughing a wheezing fits. The doctor specifically mentioned getting some HEPA

FSA’s are great for people (especially parents!) but I stopped investing in mine. My first year of using it I had no problems. It paid for my LASIK surgery and that was worth every single penny.

I’m kind of eager to try this tonight. I have a nice rice cooker that doubles as a steamer. Usually I’ll do the heat the eggs with the water method immediately followed by an icewater bath, but it still can be a pain to get it to peel right.

It’s something I thought (and still think) about but didn’t because of a few people I know who have had some troubles.

You assume the saved money just gets thrown out the window. That’s funny.

The association dues were less than $200/month honey. In the 6 years I was there lawns were mowed, ice dams were broken, driveways were plowed, and the roof was replaced.

Wow, that would have devastated me if I were the owner! It also reminds me that I made the decision to sell my home rather than rent it out. Sure, I could have made money renting my property out, but I could also have lost my shirt thanks to a natural disaster or (not referring to you) a bad renter.

The property taxes in my unit were really cheap (about $1400 a year) so that was never a big consideration. The mortgage tax deduction will be gone, but that was never a huge boon for me considering I had the first time home buyer credit (the one you have to repay, $500/year)

Just to share my own anecdote, I went back to renting after owning a home. The rent for the downtown Saint Paul location I want to be in is about $550 more than the mortgage for the townhouse in suburbs I owned. And I somehow have more money every month.

This no longer works. Carousel states they are not taking new logins at this time

It looks like this will only work with a standard login page. If you have encrypted your Mac with FileVsult 2, this information will not appear in the pre-boot login environment.