Mostest importantly, he kissed Roy on the arse in The IT Crowd
Mostest importantly, he kissed Roy on the arse in The IT Crowd
... yes? Can they guarantee they will never update their terms and conditions? Can they guarantee they won’t be sold to another company that will make no such claim?
And three reasons to avoid it:
If you’re industrious and only want to read Reddit without commenting or voting, spin up an instance of Teddit ( or Libreddit ( and browse with no ads and near total privacy.
I think I rabidly listen to half of these on the list. I’m damned interested in checking out the ones I have missed or knew about and haven’t started.
In Minnesota we had a big surplus the governor wanted to give back a good chunk of in a rebate, the GOP controlled senate decided that would make him look good prior to the state election and they needed every bit of help getting their guy in the governors race as much help as possible because he is down by 8 points…
Remember when Gamestop was at deaths door but then got a stay of execution because a bunch of internet weirdos decided to make it a meme-stock?
For quick relief if you’re having a bad attack, a neti pot/nasal wash squeeze bottle/electric nasal irrigator works wonders. Just make sure to use either distilled water or water that has been boiled and left to cool when mixing it with the saline packet.
I dunno, the title of the piece kind of puts the onus on the people incurring the fees. I’d prefer we call them what they really are: predatory fees.
I mean, I’ll make the obvious observation: This seems like a streamlined dick pic delivery system
It’s rare, but for some people I will ask if the picture they are about to take is going on social media. If the answer is yes I say I would prefer not to be in it then. Nobody has been upset by it (yet) and it’s minimally awkward, but it helps inform future interactions like this when I’m up front and honest about…
Like anything, everyone will find different ways that work best for them. Calorie counting is one of those things that helps me because it makes my mindful of how much I am eating, but I also don’t get wrapped up in it where any deviation feels like failure. Some days I’m just gonna eat that half a pizza.
Tongue scraping was the missing step for me to kill mask breath. Using a Waterpik, brushing, and mouth rinse helped, but the basic funk was still there. Once I started scraping it solved that last mile problem.
I can’t imagine being this upset by something so utterly trivial and meaningless.
Semi related, but I was selected years ago to be a Nielsen household. At first I was into it, assuming it would be a box I hook up to my TV. But nope, they changed to a cellular device that had an always on microphone to listen to the broadcasts. When I asked them about their privacy policy they said, “Oh we…
On one hand I get the desire to have this enabled. It helps avoid potential awkward interactions with people you know.
If you are picking a major it’s pretty important to wait and see what the professor(s) recommend. They may use software that is only supported on a single system or really poorly supported on everything but one.
I use a Google SHeet template that looks remarkably similr to this:
Unless you are in the top 1% of YouTube channels, odds are ads are not paying for your creators content either. There’s a reason Patreon and Raid Shadows Skinner Box are fairly prominent on YT.
Just to repeat, THESE ARE NOT FAMILY RADIOS. If you broadcast on these without a license you can be fined.
Just to repeat, THESE ARE NOT FAMILY RADIOS. If you broadcast on these without a license you can be fined.