


They are tiny, like little styluses.

Well, he does play an awful lot of golf.

He’s also told our NATO allies they can pay us what they “owe” with iTunes cards purchased from the nearest CVS.

The Snarky Nonrestrictive Appositives... a volumed set.

And the “obviously Alzheimer’s” Reagan years.

Evangelical mega-churches rent such tripe and offer free showings.

He’s a psychopath.

What’s driving me nuts is that sentence, as a sentence. There’s absolutely no logical connection between the first and second clauses. It’s such an obvious (and idiotic) attempt to say the firing has nothing to do with the Russia investigation, when it clearly screams nothing but that. Trump is so stupid.

Green Card, for Andie McDowell. Worst movie ever made.

yo punctuation broke

I’ve seen a fetus smoking a cigarette on an ultrasound. Just sayin’...

“... like my yo-yo,
That glowed in the dark.
What made it special,
Made it dangerous.”

Fuck Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Now playing

Co-authored by P. Smith. Incredibly good bass groove.

2-7-7 represent!
