
“Sampling” strikes again.

tack — to change course by turning a boat’s head into and through the wind.

Weirdest analog of hockey ever.

In my region of the country, Fedoras and Trilbies are generically known as “douche buckets.”

Whenever I see his byline in the Times, I reflexively say, “Doubt that!”

“There’s a tree in the yard and bikes on the street and a car in the front.”

Thank you, disillusionment.

I sometimes use CC on British films because British film makers generally (apparently) do not give a fuck about sound editing.

He locked the slide open and showed the other person at the front of the room that the chamber was empty. But the magazine was still inserted, and when he closed the slide, it stripped the top round from the magazine and chambered it. At that point a Glock is ready to fire. Tl;dr... the guy’s a tool.

As a former advertising copywriter, I endorse your theory.

Leo Dicaprio was also desperate for an oscar but no one hated him for it

Gawker and Jez have been abysmal when it comes to the hypocrisies of how it treats certain celebrities. Anne, Kesha, Lena Dunham, Jennifer Lawrence, the list goes on.

Now playing

This is Bobby Vega. He’s played with Santana, Sly Stone, Tower of Power, and I dunno who all. Music lovers should be aware of Bobby Vega. That is all.

Shortey get down. Good lord!

North Carolina: Virginia