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    I’m going to print this out and put it up in my kitchen... which I should go clean right now..

    The comments on this piece are outstanding. I take McNair’s stupid hat off too all y’all.

    Because so many Poles and other Eastern Europeans live in Ireland, we have a bewildering (and occasionally intimidating) array of delicious pickled veg easily accessible. Its wonderful.

    I like Chris Thompson a great deal: he seems like a great guy and he’s an excellent writer, one of my favourites. But, damn my blackened Cubs fan soul to hell, I’m looking forward to his agonised take on this over the weekend.

    This is craven, cowardly bullshit. This is executives panicking that MAGA chuds will cancel their subscriptions (the only cords they cut are made of wood). Fucking shame on ESPN.

    I laughed my ass off and cheered when Aaron Rodgers stuck the knife into that twisted little fucks team. I’m a Bears fan.

    Not trolling here, genuine confusion. How the hell does this happen? Surely these guys are taught to kick like metronomes throughout high school/college. Rugby players have to a) play an actual position in addition to kicking b) deal with constantly shifting angles rather than dead in front and c) generally have worse

    The shit in the delicious cereal might be Schmaltz’ knee injury. That line was definitely a Thing.

    Thief cannot hang onto his swag. I needed some good news and this certainly fits the bill. If NZ announce that they’re going to make him swim home to face his charges I’ll be happy for maybe an entire week.

    Heard this on the radio on my way to work this morning. Horrible, horrible tragedy. Meanwhile yet another gun but bill is winding through congress. When will enough be enough and the 2nd Amendment gets thrown in history’s bin where it belongs?

    All snark aside, when it comes to things like cancer “treatments” some homeopaths are in the same category of evil fucking ghoul as mediums who prey on people’s grief to make money.

    Ha! “Plz don step on snek oil”... I feel a Photoshop coming on..

    Call it a hunch, but I suspect this will be a “lively” comment thread once the snake-oil fans get here.

    Opt-out schemes for organ donation have to become the norm. Looks like it’ll become the default here (Ireland) next year. Obviously, kidneys are slightly different as its possible to donate one pre-mortem. Good luck to this scheme, though.

    This makes me think of Ringo reminiscing about the ‘Beatle Burnings’... Something along the lines of “And then they went out and bought them all again! Thanks very much!”

    Spurs fans are the worst people on earth no matter which country they come from.

    That sharp noise you may have heard over in the US at the final whistle was the entire non-Dublin population of Ireland groaning “Fucking Dubs”.

    I’m sure several of these people are Cardinals fans, but there doesn’t appear to be any specifically BFIB whining going on here.... you guys are letting your game slip.

    Barry and his mom to replace awful-takeman and Drew... I’d subscribe

    Albert should change his byline to Trebla Okenrub. Would probably upset the halfwits even more...