
Didn't that also happen in the Dawn of the Dead remake? I think we're still safe.

And to reinforce the denial thing, it would go along with why he didn't mention it on the walkie way back in the season premiere or to anyone in his group.

"Taken in context, methinks he's referring to 'McDuck' and not 'Ebeneezer'."

The problem with Spider-Man 3 wasn't that it featured Venom's origin story. It was that the story was crammed into a movie that already had plenty to work with.

Wouldn't it be easier to have the wife to call him up if she was having the boyfriend over? Or have the boyfriend park his car in front of the house, so the husband doesn't even need to go inside?

So what are they? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, I just really want to know. I've always heard them classified as dinosaurs. Or are they just pterosaurs?

Exactly. I may go to my brother's house for free burgers, but that doesn't mean I'll never visit a Jack in the Box again.

Why not? Are pterosaurs not terrible?

Somewhat relevant.

What about set?

I liked that they slowly introduced Connors in the Raimi films. Dropping his name in the first one and giving him a small role in the second one was a great way to tease an upcoming villain. I definitely prefer building up a villain over a series of superhero movies is cooler than repeatedly introducing and killing

I want the actual Transformers themselves to be the stars for a change.

I also seriously want her to show up. It's okay if the next movie doesn't take place during the height of disco, but when/if they do make one in that period it MUST have Dazzler.

You may not have missed any episodes of The River. The premiere featured two episodes and then there was one last night. If you watched it last week and this week, you're all caught up.

"He also says the first movie was more like the old G.I. Joe cartoon, while his movie is more like the comic book."

Iron Man: "We have a Hulk!"

Gollum, Smeagol, and a rock he/they can sit on while discussing the finer points of inner-turmoil and friendship.

I imagine he will appear in a few sets. I wouldn't be surprised if they change the expression on his face in some of the future sets.

I know the allure of licensed themes can be irresistible, but I suggest trying out the Creator theme if you haven't yet. Each set comes with instructions to make a few different builds, which can help boost creativity. There's always something cool about each of the featured builds that you want to make a hybrid of

When they say that, what they really mean is they want to make more money. And not just because the same people coming in for part 1 will be paying again for part 2. There's also the factor of pumping in moviegoers at a higher rate. Since movies are most profitable in those first 2 or 3 weeks, they want as many