
Those are some good points, but it's still the only thing that makes any sense to me so I'm sticking with it. I did watch all of TSCC, despite not remembering a lot of it. I don't have Netflix, but even if I did I'm nost sure that I would rewatch it. It's all because of the ending. Not knowing what's supposed to

What if there were multiple timelines? During the course of the first movie, everything Kyle says is true. Sending the T-800 back was SkyNet's last-ditch effort to win the war. The humans find out after destroying SkyNet and send Kyle Reese back in time. The T-800 is successfully destroyed, but parts of it are

It looks like Ultra Magnus' trailer, which just makes me think it's supposed to be him rather than Optimus Prime.

Learn the team names and what the team's rank is. If the team in question isn't in the league's top three, that team sucks.

Yeah. Seeing abandoned amusement parks reminds me of Astroworld and then I get all sad.

Scientific progress AND destroying Superman.

Blast a chicken with gamma rays, then let it bite you. The chances of this working increase significantly if both steps are accidental.

I'm thankful for two nostrils whenever I get a cold. I'm always bound to have one nostril that is completely useless because it's so stopped up. Having that extra that is still somewhat useful is a godsend.

How was the audio version? Did the guy reading the stories enhance the spookiness like the illustrations did?

YES. I remember back in third grade, we (boys AND girls) discovered these in our book orders. We couldn't get enough of them! With the exception of Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side collections, there was nothing even close to being as popular as the Scary Stories books. Then when we were in junior high, they made a

Remember, when you run back to bed you have to jump in rather than take that last step or two. If you don't, the monsters will grab your legs and drag you under!

That skeleton idea is brilliant. I'll have to pass this idea along to my brother. His neighborhood is busy on Halloween and he's looking for some ideas to freak people out.

Honestly, the 80s cartoon had ludicrous story lines and plot holes galore, just like Rise of Cobra. It also had a ton of charm, which I can't say the movie had. I never read the Marvel comics from the 80s, but the movie had the same feel as the cartoon did.

But if they only show one pilot, it better be Wild Weasel!

Hahahaha, you dumb bastard! It's not a schooner, it's a sailboat!

In N' Out doesn't have any locations where I live, but I've heard they don't offer bacon on their burgers. I remain skeptical of their tastiness.

I honestly don't care what the ingredients are made of or how they're treated. I just care about the taste. I'm not a fan of McDonald's in general, but if they're changing up some of the stuff they use I will give them a second chance. I'm not going to expect much change though. It's only one component. Changing

Rather than abandoning it altogether, they should have tried playing some Jackie Wilson to the pink goop.

Okay, those are great points, but e-readers still can't replace those precious pop-up books.

That is not a guarantee. Even within the Star Trek community, you have to whittle away the ones that cannot afford it or don't want to live in the area. And even among those there are bound to be many that think it looks cool, but wouldn't want to actually live there.