Black male + light skin privilege = Chris Brown’s career
Black male + light skin privilege = Chris Brown’s career
If someone offered me a billion dollars to name one song by him, I'd still be broke.
May I add: When confronted about said beating of Rih on GMA, he went into a mild meth-like rage and threw a freakin’ chair at the dressing room window causing shards of glass to fall upon the street endangering the health of anyone walking mindin’ their damn business.
“People act like Chris Brown is the only young black man in America who can sing and dance and do LightSkinned Things.”
But those who need to hear this most won’t hear me, though.
Direct hit. I repeat. Direct hit.
No. this is upbringing, and at some point, a choice. These kids, their parents, and their community choose to be ignorant, racist, bigots who are comfortable in their skin enough to lash out with vitriol against anyone who doesn’t meet their white, christian, hetero-normative ideals. I grew up on a farm, attended tiny…
I live in New Mexico where 10% of the pop. is Native (highest % in US), and let me tell you, exposure to them does NOT stop people from treating them poorly. I think many people would be especially surprised how much tension there is between the Tribes and the hispanic community. I’ve heard many racist jokes about…
Erykah has been a pick-me, patchouli scented, dictator entertaining fraud for a long ass time. I celebrate her green tea scented dragging.
Another thing that bothers me is that these kids probably aren’t even going to be reprimanded in any way for this shit. 10 years ago, at the very least they would have been publicly punished in some way but now everyone around them will either ignore it, or give them a thumbs up for this.
From the god fathers of the ATL to Big Grams’ in-house rapper to carrying water for an unpaid NFL gig.
I thought the racism was pretty present already. Like when Hays and West first speak with the father, Tom. Even though Hays was driving the questions, Tom was looking and answering them to West, and just turn his head back to Hays. As though just to make sure he was listening. And when Hays yelled out for the cops to…
DIsmantling Systemic Misogynoir
Let’s not exaggerate, but let’s not be surprised that he does because there are black women who have internalized misogynoir. Whether it’s caping for Chris Brown or Cosby - they believe the white supremacist messages about black women. In this case the Jezebel.
The “just world” fallacy.
I’ll say it again, even though I’m sure people are sick of it — because the people who are sick of it want to stay in their denial and I don’t feel like having it.
If Cosby can go to prison, so can this slimeball.
If this is the first you heard about this then you must have living in a cave for the last 20 years. You don't have to be a celebrity chaser to be somewhat aware of what happening in pop culture or you are just an idiot.
If it took you until 2019 and watching this documentary to realize the R.kelly was a pervert and that you should purge his music from your life then you are part of the problem
Ever been profiled in an airport? Followed in a store? Been arrested because you “fit the description”? Had a patient refuse treatment because she didn’t want “one of them”? Had slurs hurled at you on the street?