
i love that Jay is doing this. But let’s be honest. Travis was put up on this by an old heavy handed Pimp named Kris. Everybody, I mean everybody, that she sends out to make that money, hits the stroll. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Kanye joins him for a Sunken Place All star reveal. 

I would cancel him but he'd have to have been relevant first. 

Is anyone surprised? This is the same man that has put his career in the hands of Kris. Soooooo..... Aaaaannnnddd can we revisit the decline of men that get in with those broads. More power to his coonish ass. Give him a few years he’ll be in the same boat as Koonye. 

Just another day on the plantation in Calabassas.

Travis Scott is BAN’d.

Dora Milaje School of Wish-a-Motherfucker-Would

What was this dummy thinking, straight up. What were his intentions? What was he thinking the outcome was going to be? What kind of sad little man goes out of his way to make a service worker’s job harder, with a solid dash of sexual harassment? Fuck that guy. These women are awesome, and he’s lucky nothing more

If I was on that train with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did”

Now can we do one about how Jesus became so widely accepted as real?  

Most people are not allowed nuance when criticizing Israel, but for sure, like anything else, blacks are allowed waay less nuance (coupled with the idea of the scary black man)

I’m glad she always takes the time to remind us that she’s evil, too.

Im a white guy, and I got tired and bored with all the white western European fantasy tropes written by men. It was such a breath of fresh air to read something different, and have pretty much stopped buying fantasy written by men. Not looking for brownie points, just saying that reading one demographic of writer

I want a community of discourse to vouch for the fact that it’s already stood the test of a bit of time.

A question. You now know who he is, and, more importantly, what he is. You knew it before he tried again, and when he did, you fed him. Sure, it wasn’t the meal he was looking for, but it fed him all the same.

Dear Maureen,

There is, I believe, a conversation that could be had about an unease we (black people) might have with the Obamas’ post-White House relationship with money.

I am sure that the police and white folks are going to try to excuse this fuck’s attack by labeling him mentally ill. 

I say that about most things that comes out of Agent Orange’s mouth. He lies about a company, their stock price plummets. He lies about a person, their life is threatened.

If you watch that and see an assault, fine. I think you’re wrong, but that’s fine.

“where the fuck did all these right-wing Jews come from?”