
Yeah, I know what you mean. Tony Parker has totally never gotten his due. How do we even remember his name? Has he been with the team long? And the Spurs for that matter, why don’t they ever get their due? It must be because they’re all so selfless. They never get any coverage over the last two decades. I mean, can

Came here for this. Was somehow still disappointed.

Seeing as how Tony Parker is not a sopping wet vagina, my guess is that’s probably too much to hope for. But, hey, people can surprise you.

I’m sorry to ramble but I have to say this because everyone should know this. I was just telling the guy below you that every episode is up on YouTube and it holds up so well. The humor is still great and you get regular cameos from people like Iggy Pop and Michael Stipe. Truly one of the great bastions of everything

You can watch every episode on YouTube. It holds up quite well.

That’s a lot of words to just say:

*reads username*

Fairly certain that is not true. There’s Texas bourbon, etc.

It’s not. There’s bourbon from all over. The requirements have to do with the water and the mash recipe. KENTUCKY bourbon has to be from Kentucky, obviously. But not bourbon, proper. Western Europe(mostly France) do most of the location-naming thing for booze. Cognac, Champagne, Chianti, etc.

I get it on a local channel. But if I didn’t, i’d either use frontrowsports (or something similar), use a vpn to allow me access to local channels, or watch it on a laptop. League pass is notoriously shitty on mobile devices (or just in general), but that helps it run a little better.

Yeah, if they make those calls the game is probably out of reach for OKC. They didn’t and the Mavs still had a chance to win and they didn’t. No one thing costs any team a game, and I was deliberate in my wording. The no-calls allowed the Mavs choke and the Russ comeback. They all happened. It’s not one thing. But you

I can agree there was a foul but you aren’t getting that call on Russ at the end of a game. barea’s finger clearly touched it, last, too. There were bad calls, late, but that was not the hill worth dying on. That was a stupid pass with a predictable ending.

Careful about ragging on the Mavs, they’re only 3 superstars away from competing, again!

Oh my god, do they make Zima anymore? Tell me where you got it. I haven’t found any other way to get women drunk enough to sit on my face.

Also, I’m Mark Cuban, I can literally blame anything on anyone. Have you not met me?

Hey, I already said they were a bad team. And I didn’t say it cost them the game. I just said mention it in the article. The no-call on the travel was hilariously bad, almost as bad as his walking 5 steps without dribbling. Everyone in the arena (all 200 of them) simultaneously jumped up and yelled. The Mavs can choke

Is there a middle ground?

Look, the Mavs are terrible, what else am I supposed to do with my time? Continue furiously masturbating with hundred dollar bills while engaging in Twitter wars? That only takes you so far (finger in the butt helps, though).

Absolutely no mention of the two or three absolutely horrendous calls that allowed any of this to happen? He clearly double dribbled or traveled (in the most egregious way possible) on a possession that would have sealed the game for the Mavs and then got a cheap-as-hell and-1, later. He was great tonight, but OKC did