
They’re the most disappointing baseball team this year in a market which includes the Baltimore Orioles. At least we didn’t expect literally anything from the O’s...

So... he hit the ball really hard, and we have a number that says so - that’s interesting and cool. What’s not interesting and not cool is that in order to be a “real” baseball fan you need to know at least four different metrics to know whether it was a usefully hard hit ball now, rather than just knowing it was a

The reasonable interpretation is that it’s less about whether he would have caught it and more about if he could have caught it. It’s impossible to know if he would have caught it - amazing plays and dumb errors are both made pretty often - be he definitely could have caught it.

If we’ve learned anything it’s that you shouldn’t give the Orioles any minor league pitchers. They just ruin them anyways.

Ah yes, it brings back memories... It was the spring of 1998, the height of the steroid era. The bases were loaded in the bottom of the 9th with two outs, feared slugger Barry Bonds steps up to the plate, prophesying the soon-to-be glory of his walk off grand slam. Then Buck Showalter intentionally walked him.

Cars are not built with hopes and dreams (unless your name is Elon Musk)

The parts may not be crazy expensive, but you have to have the special VW tool for every stupid job, from changing brakes to replacing the serpentine belt...

You mean like the federal gas tax hasn’t changed in 25 years and is not indexed to inflation? Or the state and local taxes for road repair which need to be supplemented with general funds because the tax doesn’t cover the cost of actual repairs?

Baby boomers are also more likely to be retired. It’s not really surprising that “relaxing” is a reason to stay in for people who are more likely to have a job.

... By reducing the amount of money spent preventing and repairing potholes. It’s not that big of a mental leap...

I think there this “strategy” (it’s more of a gimmick) starts to break down will be in long extra-inning games. When you’re in the bottom of the 15th and you have less bullpen flexibility because you used one of your relievers in the first inning, it’s something of a problem. It’s better to have that guy available to

At the one by me you can, but it’s not super obvious. There is a path, but it’s narrow and feels like you shouldn’t be going that way.

You realize this guy was employed in the NFL before, right? Why does nobody seem to care that the Patriots didn’t catch this either?

How can you possibly expect high volatility while at the same time assuming that “things go as planned” with Tesla? The volatility is a direct result of nothing ever going as planned, and their history of failing to meet production numbers is a prime example of why it’s nuts to think that things will suddenly start

I’m going to go ahead and call bullshit on a 50% tax rate for $300 worth of goods....

Sentences of two years or less in Spain are almost never actually served for non-violent crimes (which this probably is, given what he’s charged with).

... Why the fuck can’t anyone subtract here?

That’s a false equivalency though - a Miata doesn’t handle better because it has less power, it handles better because of superior suspension and weight distribution.