

I stopped by a Costco in the DC area (Columbia) and for some reason they’ve decided for every 20 people that leave the store, 20 more can go in. Sure. Whatever. The incredible part is that they have crammed about 200 waiting people into a tiny semi-enclosed space, shoulder-to-shoulder, right outside the door, thus

Another thing to consider with used Hyundais is that once you sell the car, the 10 yr / 100k mile powertrain warranty becomes a 5 yr / 60k mile warranty. Same reason that typically a 6 year old Hyundai is worth significantly less than a 5 year old of the same model.

The C8 is still more fuel efficient than comparable performance cars, it’s just not more fuel efficient than the C7, by 1 MPG highway.

This is not correct - machine learning is a subset of AI, not the other way around. A simple decision tree can be artificial intelligence, it absolutely can be coded and immutable, and doesn’t require a machine to learn anything.

No one is arguing, they’re telling you something you presented as a fact is wrong.

Before or after I run you over with my brown diesel manual mustang/miata wagon?

They’re probably hoping he un-retires next year after his small little bone recovery and he’s feeling good. Better chance of that if he’s not pissed that they took all the money back.

Remember that time the Bills traded for Antonio Brown? Those were the good old (1/3 of a) days...

All seltzer is within the margin of error of “unflavored,” that’s what makes it seltzer. 

Also, the armrests are moved up 2 inches relative to the regular position for the middle seat. That’s going to be really uncomfortable unless you have a super short torso.... armrests are where they are for a reason.

“Necessary” doesn’t have much to do with it. You don’t need AC, power seats, ABS, traction control, or power steering either. Things like heated/cooled seats, backup cameras (they’re fantastic, whether you like it or not - my guess is people who complain about them haven’t tried it enough to get used to it), lane

I didn’t see the DPI the first 5 times I watched the video because the push-off for what should have been OPI was so blatant. You can see the defender’s posture change because he got shoved hard enough to stand him up from a full sprint.

I’d hate that there’s an idiot filling potholes with food so that a. I can’t see the pothole and b. now my car has oily vegetables on it...

Can’t say without audio, but it’s probably not a bad bet that if the catcher stays home the 3B coach doesn’t send Bregman. Catcher is out of there before the ball leaves the batter’s box.

I always thought the obsessive argument about getting a good value was strange coming from supposed jalops. If all a car is for you is an appliance for getting to work and the grocery store, then sure, buy something that’s a good value.

How much would Max Scherzer be worth last year to the Brewers who were one game away from the World Series and needed an ace.

More like... queso diarrhea 

The 8 consecutive punts were the perfect analogy for this game - it’s one thing to be so bad you can’t score on 8 consecutive drives, but the impressive part to me is that they were just barely competent enough on those drives manage to not turn the ball over either. Mediocrity at its finest.

Why would any other franchise want to stop Machado from going there? They don’t have to pony up big $$$ while Machado, instead of going to a bitter rival or a contender, ends up with the relatively harmless White Sox. (I assume the White Sox have no real rivalries)