migangelmart .

Hot take: yeah, fuck this guy. Movin' on. But wait a minute! I recall the white-hot, apoplectic rage my mom, especially, and my parents generation (Boomers, natch) had against The Beastie Boys' "Licensed to Ill," never suspecting the divinity in their profanity. What if this guy has the same potential? He's no Wesley

"Two thousand years after Jesus, thirty years after Martin Luther King, the Age of Montel, sweet Lord o' Mercy is that where we're at?"

Kirk was kicking Nazi ass

Blood, not tears.

"Me sucky sucky. Fifteen hundred dolla. Me pee him long time."

I know it is a training exercise, but I meant to imply that none of my dozens of local Wal-Marts were turned into concentration camps, as the Alex Jones crowd believed would happen.

If there are literally thousands of more important things to be talking about, why aren't you talking about them? You continue to screech at us about this, and nothing else. You have literally turned into the troll you seem to be railing against. No, I guess it doesn't help. For your sake, get help.

A fact the AV Club TRUMPETS to thunderous applause every single day. Bravo. BRAVO

Melania, Donald Trump isn't too smart, but you could blow off a limb and it is still 86% combat effective. Here's a tip: aim for the nerve stem, and put it down for good. Would you like to know more?

This happened. This continues to happen. Jade Helm never did. Does that help?

Drumpf's spot should be in a pool of whore piss.

It's alright man, I didn't mean nothing. It's cool, we're all cool, it was just a joke, haha… I'm backing away now…

After the umpteenth vandalization of that animatronic abomination, Disney will have its excuse to either remove RoboDrumpf or close the Hall of Figureheads during the (hopefully brief) duration of that orangutan's coup.

For me it was "Searching With My Good Eye Closed." Over and over.

Hating on Live? But they're the 2nd best REM there is.

For being and looking like a clueless college newbie in the mosh pit. I think "Nihilism" was playing.

No spoilers!

That's for school girls and grandmas. Wanna bake your noodle man read Ozzy's Mr. Crowley.

I saw Rancid in Austin and got kicked in the balls.

Talking about Trump or Assange? Hard to tell there.