migangelmart .

The asshole CEO at Nestle.

Let us pray a certain cretinous orangutan's helicopter "malfunctions."

Your wish is granted. Long live Jambi.

Rock over London, rock on Chicago. The jocks in Texas were all into Metallica. They could really kick a wild puma in the ass!

I woke the same
as any other day you know
I should have stayed in bed

I will never forgive Carson for how he treated Morrissey. Burn in hell, you sonofabitch. EDIT: No, I will never let it go!

So now we know for sure. You didn't get it :p You know what you've cherry-picked, what you've chosen not to mention or care about, and anyone who has read the article has as inkling where your sympathies (don't) lie as well.

Yet to you the main issue isn't the main issue of the article, your main issue is the half you cherry picked to support your continued discrediting of the author's experiences, which also included ridicule from an employee and "No taco talk" from a random asshole. Or did you not care? Or did you only read the synopsis

If only I'd figured that out sooner.

You didn't read it, you just cut and pasted, didn't you?

You didn't read it, did you? EDIT: and if you did, you didn't get it. I'm just throwing back the same one-liner you threw at someone who disagreed with you about the White Saviour Complex and the array of tokens in Ender's Game. Jesus Christ (literally!)

If only Neil Gaiman would write for adults again. He's coasting on his name and fame, like a certain Stephen King who shall remain nameless.

Ah, I recall fondly the almighty shitstorm over the perceived lack of WHITE leads in Rogue One. Many Shivs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you.

I disagree (damn opposed, damn damn damn opposed!). No one does deliberate tweeness like Neil "Ramone" Gaiman. Compare Kraken to Neverwhere and, uh, like, reconsider your definition of twee.

Norse Mythology baffled me too. Would the term apply to The Ocean at the End of the Lane or Odd and the Frost Giants? The Graveyard Book was alright, I'll give him that.

I have tried very hard to interest people (da yeuts) in the Earthsea Cycle and the biggest complaint I get is that it's too slow for kids nowadays. And that's before the critiques of "Why are the White people the bad guys?" and "Why is Tenar a damsel in distress OMG I want her to be Katniss!"

The Bas-Lag novels are all over the place, quality-wise, prose-wise and plot-wise. Perdido Street Station didn't do a good job of introducing the city, while The Scar left New Crobuzon as fast as it could (The Scar was magnificent, but then I am partial to tales of the sea). The Iron Council defined New Crobuzon

He's pretty much done with writing fiction for adults, except for the occasional grab bag of short stories. I read Norse Mythology and it was just cookie cutter YA, as if there wasn't enough already.

I love China Mieville. Kraken is a flawed masterpiece. He is what Neil Gaiman could've been. In my humble opinion.

no, pos ta cabron