migangelmart .

Can we stop calling these Nazi racist rednecks "alt-right," please? "Alt-right" doesn't mean a fucking thing. A black man is murdered for Skittles and he is still a thug in the news. Call these Nazis what they are: NAZIS.

"Linguo dead?!"

Nancy, Jeane Dixon and the Amazing Kreskin failed to save those 250 Marines killed in Beirut on Reagan's watch. Sad.

If so, the sky would be aubergine.

He's so tiny he fits in the palm of Trump's hand.

That's funny because Republicans are dickless and because the ultra-rich pay no penalties and do no time for any crime, ever.

I'm sure we can frack gallons of Grecian out of his once-addled, still empty skull.

Do you blame Jill Stein for that? I blame the disaffected white voters who liked the white things they were hearing from the rich white man about building walls and kicking out Muslims and Mexicans. I don't need to say "fuck the Midwest" for that. It's already been said.

You are correct, O Great One.

She beat the orangutan by over 3 million votes, and people are STILL staining their pants over Jill and Bernie, instead of the Electoral Override?

Yes I like it when that lightning comes

Lynch's "The Cowboy and the Frenchman."

Don't forget Dresden.

Call it "Performance Art"

No one said "app" in 1995.

I still got my Alice in Chains bootleg mang. Even new it already sounded like it was recorded underwater.

Love gay fuckin' from Popeye's!

Look at the skiing Minotaur. LOOK at it.

I can't even understand my goddamn phone

Now listen to Bowie's "Win." It's "Debra"'s older sister. I think her name is Jenny.